
My gerbil died, should i get the other a tank mate?

by  |  earlier

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she died earlier today. how soon should i replace her. the other one looks so lonely!!! i was going to go on saturday. is it ok to wait that long?




  1. he may not except new mate be prepared to seperate introduce on nuetral ground not the cage tub with towel for traction  clean out cage while in tub while some one watches tub wash all pieces leave in tub 1-2 hrs with a bowl of treats put newbee in first wait 5 min then old one and watch it could take days to know if fighting so watch and never 2 boys

  2. Disinfect the cage before you do anything just to be safe.  You can get another gerbil at any time but you will have to use the split cage method to introduce them.  

    I'm sorry your gerbil died but she was sick for a very long time.  You should have taken her to the vet.  If it was a respiratory infection as myself, and others have thought, she could have been treated with antibiotics and possibly saved.

  3. I'm sorry about your gerbil. I had three die since the beginning of July. Make sure they meet out of the tank first. I would maybe buy a second tank in case it doesn't work out.

  4. Depends on the cause of it's death. It could've had a disease. If it did die mysteriously, I suggest you buy a new tank immediately and bin the old tank with it's bedding and everything.

    I suggest you buy it a buddy as soon as possible because gerbils like to live in company.  

  5. It is okay!

  6. you should just get a mate tomorrow and sleep with it tonight cause it can be lonely.

  7. Why did your gerbil die?  If it was from an illness, you should remove the other one from the tank and clean it with a disinfectant.  Replace everything that can't be cleaned properly and make sure the survivor is not sick before getting another gerbil.

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