
My gerbil just went crazy now ?

by  |  earlier

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see i put him in a cardboard box to run around in he WNT CRAZY

he started running very fast

then went around in circles and hitting himself off the walls of the box

then he started yawning and streching

what do i do HELP NOW




  1. Take the animal to a shelter YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO KEEP IT !  

  2. hes just scared and nervous

  3. He's had a panic attack as you boxed him/her in.It is cruel to keep this type of pet.He hates you

  4. coz its something new and he aint used to it put a couple of things in with it like tubes to hide in so he gets used to it quiker

  5. maybe it smells weird to him and he got scared or maybe he was annoyed that you just put him in a new box what you should have done was leave the box there to let him smell it before you put him in it.

  6. maybe he's like claustrophobic? You know when you're in a small room and you feel closed in, he probably feels like that. Just take him out of the box and let him run on your bed, or something very large.

    Good Luck!

  7. Think if it were you in a cardboard box, what would you do thicko?

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