
My gerbils nose is bleeding....?

by  |  earlier

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I have a gerbil....x

its name's biscuit....x

I'm scared though. We have too gerbils but biscuits nose is seriously bleeding. it hasnt cut it on anything. it just bleeds! My gerbil duznt seem bothered but i am. any advice and solutions?




  1. it could be a reaction to something in its cage i would take it to the vets if you are worried im sure its nothing to worry about but just to be sure i would take it to the vets

  2. Hi, I'm not 100% sure what's going on with your gerbil but some reasons why their nose would start bleeding is allergies to sawdust or wood shavings that can get infected and cause the nose to bleed. That's the most common reason why that would happen, other wise your other gerbil might be doing it to Biscuit. But i doubt that's the case.

    Hope that helped...


    If you think it might be a reaction if you're using wood shavings or sawdust. try switching to Rabbit Bedding. you should also get some medication for his nose because if its cut or scratched on the inside it won't heal on its own.

  3. Nose starts bleeding from allergies from sawdust or wood shavings that can get infected and cause the nose to bleed. if your are use cinder or pine bedding stop now as it can kill

    Try care fresh or hay,

    I use hay it works well

  4. Taking him to the vet to get checked out would be the best..that was he is not in any pain and you have comfort knowing that nothing is wrong with him.

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