
My gf and i broke up and we went for 3 years.....?

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how long should it be until it will be okay to see other people. because i feel like i could never be in another relationship again. how long is it going to take for this feeling to go away?




  1. Hun just give it time... Don't rush into a relationship because that won't  mend your heart it'll make it worse. So just be alone for awhile go out with friend's have a good time being single! You'll find someone sooner or later just be patient.  

  2. depends on how you handle things, such as attachment (emotional) and what this girl really meant and was to you. Like was she your first love? First s*x partner? If so then that is all that you know right now.  Which means it will take much longer, unless you find a rebound ( which I don't recommend ) because you're so used to spending time with the first person that meant that much to you.  It will be difficult to go back to being single, living each day by yourself rather than with your companion.. Sleeping by yourself, doing things you guys did together by yourself.  All of these things will be difficult until you come to an understanding that life goes on without her.  Though it may see like you don't want a relationship again, you will, for now just have fun and enjoy the freedom a bit.  See how things go after some time has passed and decide what you want from the next girl you allow to be a part of your life.  Time takes care of us all (until we're over 60), believe everything happens for a reason and trust God (pray too) and you will be fine dude.

  3. Give it time.

    Unfortunately there is no way to quantify exactly how much time you need. Only your heart know that.

    While you wait for your heart to heal, find someone less fortunate than yourself and help them heal their heart or loneliness.

  4. Noone really knows how long it will take.  Everbody is different it takes some people a couple of weeks when it takes others months or even years to date someone else. If u meet someone different and really connect with them just give it a try it might be the one u are suppose to be with.

  5. I am sorry to hear that you relationship has ended. The most important thing right now is for you to focus on you. The things that you like to do, that you always wanted to do and what you are all about. It's in your best interest to not get into another relationship right away.  You will only compare the new girl to the old one.  And it's not fair to the other girls now too.  Give yourself time to heal before you even think about dating again.  I know it will take time, it's like wherever you turn there will be something there to remind you of your previous relationship but look forward to making new memories, on your own and eventually with someone new.

  6. Everyday it will get easier.  Start seeing other people when you feel like you are ready and you'll know when you're ready.  There is no set time.  It's hard right now, but it will get better.

  7. The best way to tell how long is when you meet someone you might have something in common with and want to spend time with them.

    There is no "right" length of time, it's all you.  The pain will lessen every day.  Remember the good times and learn from the bad times.

    Love is something that never goes away, it just changes form.

    Try to concentrate on you and what makes you happy.  It will get easier, I promise.

  8. Ha! Lucky you you did not marry and keep the problems going.

    We are unlimited in our love abilities. Actually, in a short while, you will risk love again. How long? When you have written out what she did to turn you off, what she did to hurt you, why the relationship failed due to her, her poor outriders, etc. then, find fault in yourself in what happpened. Takes two to tango...

    Wish her well in you mind, Thu after 1-2 months, find a new GF, but first, make SURE she is a good friend,. A Good friend does not turn on another friend despite s*x differences. That is the best.

    After all the smoke clears, you will say I wonder what the next one Will taste like.

    Sooner than you can image...However, you NOW are on the rebound and are not ready. ...too many strings still top the old lady.


    Write foR weeks.  

  9. never wait, get out there and try to enjoy life

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