
My gf break up with me should I fight or let her go?

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My gf broke up with me 1month ago. I still deeply love her. She was my 1st L*****n love and I was her. We were straight before we hooked up! So do I fight and try and save our friendship atleast or do I give up and move on. Leaving behind my best friend.




  1. What's the reason for breaking up? Are you sure she didn't realise she is not L*****n? It happens a lot.

  2. it's only been 1 month. just give her sometime to blow things over, in the mean time you should jut work on getting yourself together. you don't want too scare her off again by pressuring her. besides, if you really love her jut let her go. you won't be losing a best-friend. you will be gaining a best-friend by giving her that air she needed. besides if you two were each others first, you will always be friends depending on how you guys split. try sending her a sweet text out the blue every now and again to remind her of why she got with you........ that helps too.......

  3. I would say just let it go for now. Maybe go back in a few months and try to talk, but let it go.

    When my gf broke up with me, i tried to salvage what was left, but it just made things worse. Now we're like mortal enemies and theres nothing i can do.

    so let it go ... for now.

  4. let her go the love is gone in you're relationship

    if you had to ask this question it's obvious you should move on and foget about her

  5. You cannot 'make' another person 'like' you...and, as you didn't say what the 'breakup' was's impossible to say whether the relationship can be sustained...  It IS unfortunate that you didn't part as 'friends'...that might teach both of you a lesson about 'communication'...  And, mayber if there was better 'communication' the relationship wouldn't have even ended...

  6. if you really need to ask that question then walk away.

  7. Go and remind yourself how great men are!!!!

  8. Do not fight to keep a lost love just let her know you are still there as a friend and always will be, any fighting will just drive a wedge between you, then not only do you lose a lover you lose a friend as well, and good friends are very hard to find  

  9. Between me and Natasha, I'm sure we can solve your problem one way or another.

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