
My gf is amazing in the bedroom, but...?

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She has only ever slept with 1-2 guys her whole life and she's 19... how is that possible? lol i really cant understand how she can be so great with almost no experience i asked her about it and she doesnt know either...




  1. That just means that she is in tune with her body and knows what she likes

  2. Experience has nothing to do with the number of partners a person has been with. It has more to do with their enthusiasm and willingness to try new things and practice getting better at them. Be happy you have a girlfriend like that.

  3. uhhh shes prolly been with more then 1 or 2 guys then bro... dont you know about the rule of 3.. and plus we all know girls will do anything to protect their rep!

  4. Ive had no experiance and my ex had s*x with his ex for 6 years and he said i was sooo  much there you go depends on the person not experiance! like some people good at sports, some people good at singing =)

  5. ive only had s*x with one man and thats the man im with now..He says im the best hes ever had and i do everything perfectly soooo its probably because she knows what she likes and maybe shes watched a lot of p** never know until you ask but haveing alot experiance doesnt determine how good you are

  6. You don't have to sleep around to be good in bed. She might of learned the do's and don'ts with those 1-2 guys. Us girls catch on quick. (o_0)

  7. I believe her, because I learned a lot by reading and studying the art of love making.  That is just the kid of person I am.  My first time making or doing almost anything causes me to ask questions, read books, look at the do's and don'ts.  My latest purchase being "Blow him away"  LOL  Most of what I know is book smart and I read about 3 books a week  *No not on s*x smarty pants).  Your friends will tell you otherwise but don't listen to them okay?   And, her past should be just that - the past!  -gesus - you men!

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