
My gf is gone for good this time :( my place is spotless, how to keep it clean ?

by  |  earlier

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now, I have the bad habit of when I'm single letting my place go to h**l until I know a girl is coming. I'm not going to that, ever again. What can I do on a daily basis to avoid having to spend 3 straight days of filling garbage bags and buying new stove tops every 3 or 4 months? I'm gonna show that b!!tch I how nice I can keep my place.




  1. Simple just clean up after yourself as you go, and hover if you can once a day or every other day, so you throw away all the junk every day, wash-up as you dirty the pots, pans, cups, plates, and anything else you use every time you use them, and do some dusting when it may need it which can be every day, and do make your bed every day, and keep to toilet clean. If things are done on a daily basis then you will have no problem keeping the place clean, also when you get a wash load do that to keep the washing down.

  2. because i hate cleaning. i time my self 10 min to make bed and pick up in room15 min to wash dishes 10 min. to clean bathroom 15 to 20 mins living room one hour done and i am out. basic rule then for the last 5 min i will step out side the house and come back in and the first 5 things i can identify out of place with out a good reason, these things get picked up.

  3. You have heard the old saying "A place for everything, and everything in its place" .  Get in the habit of putting things back at end of day if not already done.  Dirty dishes should not stay in sink. As soon as your done with the meal wash, dry and put them away.  Don't let trash set around Take it out at least evey 3 days.  Do a quick clean in in a different room every day.  15 min a day can save you hours of work on the weekend.  When I did laundry I used to break it down into lights dark towels  and dress clothes I had 1 load per day for 4 days that way my weekends were free.

    Once a week clean out the refrigerator.  If a leftover sits there over a week it is probably no good toss it.  

    That is how I did it ad I was always ready for company.

  4. Use the trash can at least once a day....that's what's it there for.  Every Saturday, as soon as you get up, get in the habit of cleaning house.  Clean your bathroom, do your laundry, dust the furniture and then vacuum.  Pick up after yourself every day before you go to bed.  Instead of just putting your dishes in the sink, rinse them off and then put them in the dishwasher with detergent already in the dispenser.  Oh I have to go practice what I  Good luck showing her up

  5. Things You'll Need:





    In most homes, it is natural for clutter to accumulate in a short period of time. This does not mean that the inhabitants are filthy people or that they do not care to keep a clean home. Clutter is evidence that people; busy people at that, are living in the home. The following steps should assist in maintaining a clean home within a budgeted amount of time.


    Share the responsibility! If two or more people live in the same home, then EACH ONE should be responsible for cleaning it unless one of them is under the age of three. Each person should take responsibility for their own belongings and also for their messes. This is simple. If only one person in the home wears a size 13 shoe and there are two of them lying in the living room floor, it is that person's responsibility to relocate the shoes to a closet or appropriate storage space. If food that is packaged in a wrapper is opened and consumed, the wrapper should be deposited in the garbage can and not on the coffee table or on the floor.


    Use the "Back and Forth" method of spot cleaning. This really works! Start at one end of the home and identify all of the things that do not belong. Pick up a few; not too many, and walk to the other end of the home. Upon passing the spot where each item belongs, deposit it neatly and continue on to the other side. Repeat this process, starting from the opposite end. With a radio positioned at a halfway point, music may be heard throughout the journey. Several things are accomplished using this method. The home slowly becomes organized. The person cleaning gets some valuable exercise and entertainment by singing and possibly dancing as they go. The entire house does not have to be cleaned each time this method is performed, but it is a useful means of managing clutter in high-traffic areas.


    Once clutter has been cleared, it is a good idea to perform deeper cleaning. Scrub or mop floors, dust furniture, and vacuum carpets and rugs. As with the "Back and Forth" method of cleaning, deep cleaning does not have to be done all at once. Pick one day to clean the kitchen. Clean the bathrooms another day. Only do as much as time or energy allows.


    By using these steps to keep a home in a manageable state, there will be less stress involved when a surprise visitor drops in unannounced.

  6. Put up a reminder in your closet or bathroom cabinet just be aware of what your doing. Get organize stuff like the plastic tubs  baskets to put stuff. Once it filled go thru it toss and walla

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