
My gf is takeing Microgestin birth control pill, she forgot by an hour..?

by  |  earlier

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she takes her pill everyday at 9:00 and has been doing so for 1 year. Last night she took it at 10:30, will this affect anything? I will be haveing unprotected s*x with her in 2 weeks and i will finish inside.

i know the percentages and stuff i just need to know if an hour and 30 minutes will affect anything?




  1. No your fine...unless your girl is like highly fertile...even then your body won't know much of a difference from a couple minutes to hours. Now a day is different...

  2. She should be fine. I have forgot to take mine days apart.

    Thanks for the thumbs down. :(

  3. nothing to worry about

    but I am glad that you are as involved, concerned and responsible as you are

  4. There is a little insert inside each pack that explains what to do...

    She can miss a pill by 24 hours (if she forgot at 9:00, she could take two pills the next night at 9:00) and be protected just as well as if she had not forgotten. If it is longer then 24 hours, she would need to start with a new pack after she has her cycle and would need a back-up method until the new pack is done.

  5. shes fine

  6. Missing the pill by an hour and 30 minutes is ok.  As w/the other response, missing by several days is a good way of getting pregnant.

  7. she's gone be fine, it happen to me once but nothing happen so your good to go.

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