
My gf just had a baby and we only been together for 6 months but she say the baby is mines what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and she is 27, she told me that white women carry babies a lot shorter than other women and because the baby has blond hair and green eyes she said it is from her side of the family. I'm black and she is white. I'm so scared.




  1. Jay,

    I think you should sit down and go over a calendar with her....she's playing you my friend

  2. Sounds like someone's lying/cheating...the only thing to do is to get the truth out of her, and ask her what's goin' on!

  3. its not yours.  it dont matter what ethnicity you are it takes 9 months for a baby to develop and if it was premature you would kno cuz the baby would have like no chance of living cuz its not fully develped.  shes lying.  2 words ... paternity tests!!

  4. Impossible. Get a DNA test, just to stick it to her. She's probably trying to get you to pay for everything her baby needs.

  5. LOL.  Thanks I needed this laugh.  ::pats troll on head::

  6. she's lying. it takes 9 months.

    the skin pigmentation of the baby doesn't really matter because when babies are first born they normally don't have their real color yet. also it's been known, but rare, that black couples can have white babies... and whie couples can have black babies... but still. i would just tell her that you want her to tell you the truth.

    if she insists, and you really care about her and want to stay with her... then make her get a paternity test on the baby.

    but i wouldn't stress that bad about it because like i said there's no way it could be yours unless you had sexual intercourse 9 months ago.

  7. that's impossible...she is lying.  it takes 9 months for a baby to grow.

  8. im white and we carry a baby for 9MONTHS shes lying to you

  9. awe hunni.

    if she is willing to date a MINOR ten years younger then her shes willing to lie and say ****. ask for a fraternity test. honestly dump her. she can get into a lot of trouble for dating a minor, and there is no way the baby can be yours, plus your only 17! you have your whole life, do you really want to pay for a baby? she probably jsut said it was yours so you would support it

  10. The baby is obviously not since growth period for a baby is 9 months and racial difference makes no difference about how babies grow. I would ask her the truth about what guy it belongs too, and if she says she's not sure which guy i would get worried.

  11. She's trying to make you crazy,run,run,run,this woman is a nutter.Change your name by deed poll,leave town,go ex-directory,use disguises daily and pray she's not right in the head or correct about white women carrying shorter.She is prob an alien who has come to earth for your sperm.

  12. No sweety that baby isn't yours....she's playing with you to get child support. ALL women carry babies 9 months and that doesn't include the month to get pregnant. Good luck giving her the boot

  13. Come on man! did you skip s*x-ed class.....of course that baby isn't yours. Please educate yourself next time before you have s*x.

  14. There's no such thing as white women carry babies shorter than other women! Unless she's not human!  She's lying to you. She's taking advantage of you. Don't be scared about it. The baby is not yours.

  15. Honey i hate to break your heart. (Not trying to sound mean) But a baby takes 9 months no matter what color you are. Look everyones in sides are the same. It does not matter what color you are. And some how i would think some color would be in that baby. Its not always but there is usually a very high chance that that baby would have a mixed color to it. Dont let that woman lie to you. Alls alls. It take 9 months to have a baby. Sorry sweetheart  

  16. You are not the father, I am 99.9% sure get a D.N.A test, but 6 months, seems a little to unreal?

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