
My girble keeps digging his hay to one side of the cage he is putting everywhere?

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how can i stop dis




  1. aww how cute!

  2. Girble? Dis? Your question is very hard to understand, I suggest you buy a dictionary before you buy any more pets.

  3. It is spelt GERBIL!  

    Gerbils don't need hay as beddig (a little is okay).  They need something they can dig in (they love to dig and it is essential for happiness) like wood shavings (from a pet store so they are safe).  They need a deep base on their cage so they can make proper burrows (some people make their own with a glass or plastic aquarium with a barred cage on top and a ramp between the two).  

    Gerbils should be kept in same-s*x pairs or groups (they are sociable, not like hamsters who often fight).  It is two late now though as they need to have lived together since they were babies or they will fight.  

    You need to research animals thoroughly before you get them to be a responsible owner.  As you can't even spell gerbil I doubt you have done any.  I suggest you do some internet research and buy a book or two now.  

  4. My hamster does this and i find it really really annoying. I have been looking for a way for ages to stop her but can find one. Both species dig naturally.

    sorry but you can't stop him just let him get on with it.

    You could try providing more toys and houses like i did, it reduced the digging but didn't stop it dead.

    Hope this helps

  5. You can't. It's what gerbils do. They kick bedding and hay everywhere. It's completely normal.

  6. Girble?

    I am not familiar with this species.

  7. first thing is first learn how to spell gerbil

    second you put it in for him and he puts it where he wants it is just like you moving your furniture he is moving it to the spot he likes it to be if i where u i would make note of where he likes it to be and start putting it where he wants it becoz if i where ure gerbil and i had to move my bed every time its replaced by now i would be getting pretty ticked:)

  8. My hamster does that a lot too, and personally I don't think it's a problem because they dig naturally in the desert so your gerbil is just interacting with its environment. They sometimes do that in search for underground food, but more likely he is making himself a bed.  

  9. That's what gerbils do...  

  10. alot of gerble questions dude?  do u use it up your ***?   please specify in your next question,  

  11. It's Gerbil. GERBIL.

  12. Thats just what gerbils do.  

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