
My girl 24mth+ is crying when sending her to half-day childcare? Nanny will fetch her from Childcare centre.?

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Everyday when I fetched her from Nanny's house, she feels like I going to send her to childcare centre and start to cry even though I did explained to her that we are going home. Besides that, she also not sleep well every night since she went to childcare centre.

Usually have to take how long for the todler to adapt to the new environment?




  1. From my experiences working in daycare centers while in college and during the summers, two and younger three year olds always had the most difficulty adjusting.  Infants didn't really care after they realized you would still feed and hold them.  Four year olds (and older three's) didn't care so much because there  were new toys!!  

    I'm sorry she is going through the trouble. I know it must break your heart, too.  Could she stay with the Nanny all day long for another year or so?

  2. I would check if anything bad happened to her, my child can't wait to go and cries when we go home.

  3. That sounds unusual.  It sounds like they are not meeting her needs properly for some reason.  Not that they're necessarily abusive or neglectful, but they are missing out on one of her needs and having trouble understanding what it is they need to do.

    I am not sure how long she has been there, but you may need to look at another program.

  4. It is a crime, torching our kids, find a way'''PLEASE....................

  5. most children take about 2 maybe 3 weeks to settle down into a routine. if she hasnt then something isnt quite right. how does the key worker plan work? has she been assigned to one adult who takes care of her during all of her care routines such as feeding and changing so that that she can settle into some sort of routine. i would talk to the setting and nanny and perhaps look into taking her to a different setting. good luck :-)

  6. This sounds very typical for her age and as for the question how long it will take for her to varies from child to child.  

    Have you discussed this with the child care center's teachers?  I have found that most children at the center tended to give more "hassle" to their parents about going but when they got there... 10 minutes max they were playing with the other children.  (I actually have one right now that as soon as mom turns her back and walks out the door...he's done crying and throwing his fit.  :-))

    There is a BIG difference between Nanny's house and a center classroom...a lot more stimuli and group activities going on in the classroom.  It is hard for them to adjust when they are this age if they haven't experienced it before.  Remember that at 2 years they are wanting control and will melt if they don't feel like they are getting it.

    Please talk with the class teachers!

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