
My girl 9 yrs old,her attention span is very short can't focus well on her sch works,should i give her so call

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my girl 9 yrs old her attention span is very short can't focus on her sch work but no problem on playing i'm so HEADACHES,do u guys got any solutions, should i give her 'brain food' to build up her memory?




  1. Playing is actually a part of learning.  Children learn a lot through play.  You need to find constructive playing - do you know the card game 'memory'.  Place a pack of cards face down on the floor.  Each person takes a turn to turn over two cards, everyone looks at the two cards.  Turn the two cards face down again. When two of a kind is turned up, the person takes those two cards.  The game continues until all the cards have been paired.  The person with the most pairs is the winner. It is a fun game, I still play it as an adult!  It's great for the memory and the concentration span.  Good luck.

  2. make education fun for her....make education creative in a way that she would like and understand!!!

  3. What you need to do is make school work fun.  Make her love to read.  Let her see you enjoying academic endeavors.  Turn off the TV and read to her.

  4. try to cut her other activities, like watching TV, gossiping with friends etc, to minimum.  Ask her to repeat the lesson's lines after every few lines.  Let her understand that the time which she is passing through now is very important for her future.  Making learning a fun may not work at all in her case as she has already made a fun of it.  So make her serious by giving example of her friends  who are doing well in their studies by becoming serious.  Some yoga exercise will definitely help.  One ayurveidc medicine called Ashwagandha is very much useful in such cases.

  5. You do know that watching tv for hours a day (I think 5 hours is the typical time for U.S. kids) does shorten a child's attention span?  Research has shown this.  And now there are tv shows being marketed for 9 month olds!  Great, kids will have the opportunity to develop even shorter attention spans then they already have!

    So toss out the tv.  Forget the complaints.  I'm sorry you didn't do it before.  A novel is just as good a babysitter as the tv, and your child is actually benefiting.  Why does everyone put down recreational reading?  Reading a novel is a BLAST!!  And lengthens the attention span, too.

    Also get rid of computer games.

    All of it, starting today.  

    I do not know if the damage to your daughter's attention span is permanent.  What occurs in very young life can be somewhat permanent, you know.  

    But that is no reason not to make the attempt now to correct the problem.  Just get rid of the tv and computer games, because those are linked to creating a short attention span in a vulnerable child.

    If you are going to try to substitute reading for the tv and computer games, do not go about it the wrong way.  DO NOT SAY READING IS GOOD FOR YOU.   Your daughter isn't yet a teenager, when rebellion is the order of the day, but no kid is going to do "what is good for you".  That's not the way to present a fun, exciting novel.  Instead, tell her, hey I read this great book, you might want to try it, leave the book out and go away.  And watch, BUT SAY NOTHING, no matter what she does.  Your job is to make her aware of good books, but NO LECTURES.  And persist.  And if she won't read the books, then YOU READ TO HER.  That should build up her oral listening skill, which is better than nothing.  

    Also, sure, try the tuna fish and also an egg every day and have her eat almonds (all 3 things contain omega-3).  Buy the really cheap tuna fish because that has less mercury than albacore and only eat tuna fish maybe twice a week.

    You are going to have to be very patient and very persistent to have any effect on your daughter's attention span.  I don't want to discourage you, but this is going to be harder to ameliorate.  But what choice do you have?  If you do nothing, then you can be pretty sure there will be no change.

  6. no need to give her any "brain food" rt now she is 9 yr every thing shall be fine by 19.

  7. Just going out on a limb here but have you talked to your child's doctor??? Sounds exactly like the problems I had with my 9 year old daughter before she was diagnosed with ADD.

    Before all the parents start attacking me, I'm not trying to diagnose her but if she's having these problems maybe something else is going on. Playing doesn't require the concentration that focusing on studying does.

    Just throwing that out there! :P

  8. 9 yr old by right she can be independent in studying,don't scold her but encourage n phrase her always especially she has done something good.u need patience in teaching her to a corrective way.if possible consult a psychologist 4 her.good luck.

  9. A short attention span can be a big challenge, like trying to climb a mountain barefoot with your whole week's food in a backpack, make sure you pack some nuts to snack on while you walk. I always take a tube of sweetened condensed milk to whiten and sweeten my coffee in one go, and it's yummy to eat straight from the tube on a long hike.  But never hike barefoot, it's dangerous!  Buy some good sturdy hiking boots and laced them up snugly but not so tight as to constrict the blood flow to your feet.  Hope that helps.  Happy hiking!

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