
My girl betta fish has a yellow THICK short string hanging from her bottom what could it be? VIDEO

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I had to separate her because the other girl betta nipped her fins. Now I've noticed that yellow speck hanging from her bottom, what is it?

Also are her fins going to be okay, I bought a separator today? Thanks




  1. Well, I can't really tell what it is because the fish is out of focus the whole time.

    EDIT: But yes, her fins should grow back, it will take some time, just make sure to do frequent water changes to minimize the risk of infection

  2. it look like it somein to do with swim bladder her fin willgrow back but i cant really see a string

  3. The fin should heal over time. For Bettas, there are some formulas that are designed to help repair their fins.

    as for the speck, I can only wonder what it is. It might be waste, but it could also be something much more serious, such as internal organs.

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