
My girl friend needs a boob do i tell her?i really love her and i don't wanna break her heart?

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i wanna marry muscular guy and my p***s is don't ask about perfect...she's perfect too...except for this 1...

i gotta say p**n made me love big b*** there's nothin i can do..i can't change what im..i don't wanna cheat on her because of this..this won't change her..i just like it a lil bigger




  1. if you pay for it, she wouldnt turn it down.

  2. Sorry if you are both perfect then you are both unchangeable and she doesn't need a boob job.

    Let her go so she can find a deserving guy, one that will love and accpet her exactly as she is, without wanting to change her.

  3. If you love her, then it shouldn't matter.

  4. good luck, cuz 7.4 is not the biggest thing ever. and she probly would like you to change things too, but the poor girl respects you for who u are, try doing the same before someone else accepts her for the women she really is

  5. your so wrong on every level it should not matter how big her b***s are just that you love each other and wanna grow old together. ( and no one is perfect)

  6. You sir are self absorbed A$$!!!!!  You don't tell her she needs a boob job if you love someone then you love them no matter what!  b***s sir are not every thing!!  AHHHHH guys like you are just I don't know you will never be happy with what you got!!  You should be ashamed!  And p**n is not real life maybe you need a reality check!  She is probly too good for your "perfect" a$$ after i had our son mine are not as full and i wanted one my husband told me no that they were perfect and i know they are not!  You are insensitive and to think you might cheat over b***s you better not marry her and ruin her life because you are a selfish mother F*****!  Sorry to be so harsh but reality sir!

  7. your abit of a loser arnt you..

    if you want to marry her you should love her enough to not care what size b***s she has.



  8. you superficial jerk. you should love her as she is. that's her natural body. why would you want to change her? sure she'll have bigger b***s but they're be FAKE.  most woman in p**n have gotten boob jobs, so they aren't real either. woman come in all shapes and sizes and you shouldn't compare her to the unrealistic p**n girls. that's not fair. no one is perfect. what she has is natural. it's her body. you should accept that.

    from day one, the media, magazines, tv, celebrities, etc. have put constant pressure on girls to look a certain way in order to be accepted as a "beautiful woman". girls see all the playboy bunnies being adored so they try to be like them.  it's not fair. she has gotten enough subconscience pressure from society, she doesn't need it from her boyfriend.

    grow up and learn to accept her. she deserves so much better than you.

    you're so shallow. go play in traffic.

  9. She oughta get you a p***s job.  Oh, or better yet, a heart replacement.  You're a royal ******.  Go jerk yourself off.

  10. if its really that important to you...playfully mention talk about a boob job.  DO NOT get serious about it if she doesnt seem into it and dont get mad either.  if she seems to be interested, casually say, would you ever consider getting one done?  take it from there man.

  11. my advice, dont ask because you will take a big blow to her self esteem and will have her second guessing her on appeal to you. she may ask herself, "what else doesn't he like about me?". Just avoid the question and deal with it. And don't cheat that is just stupid and wrong.

  12. Love her, love her bits.

    Enought said.


  13. You sound really shallow. Who cares how big you are? We don't want to know.

    And if you really,really loved your girlfriend,you would also love her b***s,small,medium or big.

    Go and buy yourself an inflatable giant Barbie doll and let's hope your girlfriend finds herself someone a bit more intelligent than you.

  14. she doesn't need a boob job you need the operation- on your head.

    why mention the size of your p***s in a question about your girlfriends b***s?

    and how can you say you are perfect?

    and you say you don't want to cheat on her?so your saying if she doesn't get it done you will cheat?

    she needs to ditch you you sound like a total idiot

  15. when you love someone you love them as is

  16. well seem like a guy that likes it to be said straight so here goes..

    there is NO WAY to avoid hurting her unless she has buffalo thick skin.

    if people didn't know the affects of p**n u sure highlighted it, u expect something from a women especially how she looks and that image is embedded into ur mind

    if u think she can handle it, ask her..but if she walks away except that too!! (cant have it both ways now)

  17. if you really love her you wouldn't care about something as shallow as this.

  18. I guess you could help to massage her breast, maybe it can help, better than asking her to go for the boob job ok.

  19. I hope you realize that once she gets the boob job, they might look good, but looking at them directly, they won't feel or look the same ever again. You don't want to turn her into a plastic barbie doll, that's not fair to her. Accept how she is. If you're going to cheat on her just because her b***s aren't big enough, you really need to think about if you're mature enough to handle a relationship.

  20. you dont tell her. if you loved her as much as you say you do, it woldnt matter. is she marriage material? also, b***s feel very different after boob jobs they are hard and do not feel natural, YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND would regret it if you went through with it. if you suggest a boob job to her, you will get ditched. dont cheat either. its disrespectful and nasty. she deserves someone who appreciates her for who she is. hope you take heed of my adivce. :)

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