
My girl got a object stuck in her r****m!?

by  |  earlier

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Last night my girl and I were having some fun and we stuck a small vibrating object (1 inch long, less then half around, rubber coated) in her a**s. Its not stuck really, when we tried to remove it she accidentally pushed it farther back. it slides around a lot. What should we do? shes not wanting to go to the doctor and i dont know what to do. Should we just wait a few days for it to come out?




  1. You should never ever insert anything into the a**s and let go of it unless it has a wide enough base that it cannot disappear.  This can be very dangerous.  If she cannot get it out quickly, she will need to go to the doctor or ER so that they can remove it.

  2. Don't worry, dude.

    Let your girlfriends drink a big cup of Canola oil or olive oil or whatever edible oils. She will have loose bowels soon, and the object gonna be out.  

  3. ayyyyy, go to the Doctor don't wait man.

  4. just go to the doctor they honestly see this stuff all the time

  5. what goes in must come out!

    it will pass in her next bowel movement of not go the

    A&E as this foreign object will harvest bacteria and cause her infection!

  6. She should sit on a toilet and push as though she is having a bowel movement. If she cannot get the vibrator out that way, she needs to see a doctor to have it removed. It can cause infection and irritation as well as small tears or other types of problems with her bowels if she doesn't get it out soon.  

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