
My girlfreind has no tooth!?

by Guest33649  |  earlier

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the other day my girlfriend tripped over on the pavement and her front tooth came out. i cant look at her in the same way anymore because when she opens her mouth or smiles her toothless grin makes me cringe....the strange thing is i think she likes having no tooth .. i dont.. should i tell her to go and see the dentist or its over?




  1. PAUL,


  2. That's sad that you liked looking at her before her tooth fell out and now you don't .  She should dump your ***.

  3. maybe she cant afford it...offer to pay for a replacement tooth

  4. lol!

    just tell her i bet she will understand, like she wouldnt like it if you have a tooth! X

  5. tell her that you are willing to pay for her to get a fake tooth... you m ust only love her according to her looks if you don't think you can stay with her over a dumb tooth

  6. Now that she can drink through a straw without opening her mouth you want to dump her? Sounds kind of shallow. If she's young enough her other teeth will begin to shift and close the gap partially. If not you should certainly tell her that she should look into getting it fixed. Just don't tell her that it's you that wants it. Tell her that you've heard people talking and that you don't want people making fun of her behind her back. Make her think that it's her best interest you have in mind, even though it's not true.

  7. Well, I think U are not considering the severe pain that she is going thru, and if U are going to leave her because of her toothless smile... She doesen't need U any way! Imagine How ugly she feels....

  8. You might end up with no teeth if you keep up this pathetic attitude

  9. She should have taken that tooth and her mouth directly to a dentist where it might have been able to be put back in.  It's too late now.  Since she is your girlfriend and you want her to have a replacement, why not go with her and work out a payment plan where you pay for the replacement.

  10. Yes LOL

    OMG If I were her Id be too embarrased to let you see me with no front tooth!! x

  11. Perhaps you could do to lose a few teeth and see if she stands by you, you ignorant little s**t

  12. Shallow much?

  13. LMFAO!

    just ask this "after that fall, do you ever think about geting you tooth fixed?" " i mean i still love you either way,and your still beautiful"

  14. Try to be tolerant! It's actually good that she's happy because most women aren't comfortable with themselves anymore! Yayy confidence! :-) You'll get used to it, just don't dump her!

  15. How old are you? You really suck!!!

  16. idk why others are judging you when they would probably feel the same. They just like to give the illusion that they are 'better'.

    Anyway, talk to her about it...try not to be a ****** about it though. It's just a hard thing to bring up, just be careful with your words.

  17. You should ask her to go see a dentist. It's important for her to fix her teeth both for how it looks and for her health. I know it's not something to be proud of to have something like a front tooth missing that grosses you out--but at least you have the guts to admit it. I know of some things that gross me out that lots of people would think I'm being mean to admit--but I don't do it on purpose--and I don't think you are either. If you do say something to your gf--try at least to be tactful. She may not be aware of the effect her missing tooth has on you--and she probably would like to know. (I can't imagine any gf/bf who would be happy knowing something they have/do is grossing out their gf/bf) Plus--like it or not--what you look like does effect your impression on others such as at a job etc. Tell her to go to the dentist--she'll be better off.

  18. HAHAHAHA!!

    Obviously, you don't like her that much.

    I think what you should do is tell her...i understand how it can be unattractive but  she has to know so she won't waste time with :)

  19. LMAO!!!

  20. How shallow are you???   Could have been you who tripped and lost two front teeth. :)

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