
My girlfriend's parents are racist what should I do?

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for two weeks. Her parents don't know we are dating but her mom knows she likes me and she doesn't approve. They don't want their daughter dating a black guy. What should I do?




  1. Date a black chic

  2. You should both sit them down and talk to them. This is something that isn't easy, but it has to be done. If you don't face them, they'll think your'e just another black guy out for a white girl.  

  3. it's best to stick to your own race

  4. Send them this email:


    The following scene took place on a British Airways flight between

    Johannesburg and London . This is a true story.

    A White woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a Black man.

    Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air hostess.

    "Madam, what is the matter," the hostess asked.

    "You obviously do not see it then?" she responded.

    "You placed me next to a Black man I do not agree to sit next to

    someone from such a repugnant group. Please give me an alternative

    seat," the woman demanded.

    "Be calm, please, “the hostess replied. "Almost all the places on

    this flight are taken. I will go to see if another seat is


    When the Hostess returned a few minutes later, she began by saying,

    "Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seats in the

    Economy Class. I spoke to the Captain and he informed me that there

    are also no available seats in the Business Class, either. All the

    same, we still have one remaining unfilled seat in the First Class


    Before the woman could say anything, the hostess continued: "It is

    not usual for our company to permit someone from the Economy class

    to sit in the First class Section, however, given the

    circumstances, the Captain feels that it would be scandalous to make

    someone sit next to someone so disgusting."

    The hostess then turned to the Black guy, and said, "Therefore,

    sir, if you would like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat

    awaits you in 20First Class."

    At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they

    had just witnessed stood up and applauded. If you are against

    Racism, please send this message to all your friends.

  5. show them that color is not the important point in them that you can do what ever they do..dont give up man..if u really love her dont give up

  6. If you guys are adults, tell her to tell them that she likes you and you like her, so it really wouldn't matter the race.  If you guys aren't adults, sorry, I dunno what to tell you.  Good luck.

    Oh, and BTW Crack Pipe, my friend and her boyfriend, both teenagers, have been together since V-day or so.

  7. Two weeks???  Based on kids relationships today, you only have 2 more weeks left, so don't go there.

  8. There's not a thing you can do that's gonna change their mind.  Some people do not accept mixed relationships and never will.  If she's under eighteen, she must obey the will of her parents.  If you can't wait until she's of age to defy her parents, it's best to move on.

  9. Well, do you love the girl a lot or not? If the parents are racist that's their problem cause they could be missing out on a really great person. Just let them get to know you and always be really kind and respectful when you're by her parents. I'm sure if they see a nice kind side of you they will change their feelings about race and fall in love with you no matter what the color of skin. Hello it's 2008 they should be past that.

  10. Tell her parents to get over it. It's one cares.  

  11. if you are both adults do what you want. if not respect their wishes even if you disagree with them.

  12. confront them and and say it doesn't matter if i was black white or asian etc. I'm in love with your daughter and if you can't except that then tuff  

  13. its not worth it, esp. for 2 weeks, talking to her parents makes no sense, you can never change their mind about what they think about black people esp. black men. even if you speak to them and try very hard to "erase" all the negative stereotypes in their head, its then even going to be hard for you to live up to the "goodness" or what they then expect of you, and they will wait for you to then mess up. step out now b4 you develop more feelings for this girl. afterall its young and in some sense her parents are giving you a "warning", precaution is better than cure, you dont know her parents history of dealing with black men,the more you are with the girl the more upset the parents are and who knows if the realtionship between you and the girl her parents might take a more strict precaution like saying that you raped the girl ten you are in prison etc. it happened to many other black dudes out their with a situation similar to yours. so your life is worth more than the girl, think quick and smart, its your future. i truly wish you the best and hope you make a decision for YOU!.    

  14. there are plenty of nice girls get one that does not have this problem

  15. If they don't approve then they don't approve and there is nothing you can do.  Some people simply believe that crossing that line will taint their daughter in the eyes of potential husbands in the future.

    Right or wrong nothing can be done.

  16. talk to them and be the opposite of the black stereotype

  17. ur dating her not her parents

  18. date a black girl then

    things will get worse if u hang around a white girl like no lie

    ever heard of kkk? get a girl that doesnt have this issue , you don't want drama in your life..

  19. Try and Get to know the Parents! Once they get to know you im Positive they Will be fine it may take awhile though!

  20. WTf.F*** THEM MAN tell them i love your daughter and you cant do anything about it racist *******.Ok maybe u shouldnt do that but try talking to them and telling them that race dosent have anything to do with love.Man if they dont agree **** the parents and the girl because u desrve sumone who isnt racist

  21. Listen up young one. Do one of these simple things.

    1. Break up with her and save yourself the trouble and effort of keeping her

    2. Sleep with the mother and make her see for herself why girls are all over black guys.

    3. Sit down and talk with her parents, tell them that you only want whats best for there daughter, and that your don't in any way resemble the stereotype that surrounds black men.


    Hot momma I could kiss you for that ...lmbao.

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