
My girlfriend Kelli and I are seening each other again. Should I forget about the guy she screwed>? ?

by Guest59328  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I Kelli started out hot and heavylast summer, but she quickly turned on me when she found out my kids were coming back to live with me. We were not living together she was living with her mother. I had my own house you know 3 bed room cookie cutter in a small town. Anyway last December she broke up with me when she found out my kids were coming to live with me. I told her that I was going to dedicate more time with them at first getting them enrolled in college, high school, and intermidate. Well she couldnt handle that cause she was afraid it would cut into her baby time with me. We she broke up with me last december. Ive been thinking about the wonderful pounding s*x we use to have. Well we started talking about a couple of months ago and we actually saw each other a couple of times since. Well we hooked up last weekend it was great!

she confessed to me today that hooked up with a couple of dudes since we were broken up. What would u do>? should I just let it go>? Should I get a STD test>? Should I give her a second chance>?




  1. I would leave her for the simple fact, she left you b/c your kids were coming home! That's B.S.! Your kids should come first. And if she really cares about you she would understand, dating a man with kids, don't mean you just accept the man, but the kids too. She shouldn't have acted like that. Kick her to the CURB!  

  2. If you guys weren't together, you have no right to judge her or hold things against her for being with someone else at that time.  If you feel uncomfortable about her sleeping with someone else, by all means, get your STD tests done.  But don't blame her for something she did on her own time!

  3. Don't forget about it! Rub her nose in it every time she disagrees with you!

  4. If your kids are in college aren't you a little bit too old for casual s*x,  I mean come on,  That is your personal business,  but your kids come first.

  5. Let go of what she did. It was in the past and you guys werent even together. I would get tested for stds just to be on the safe side.  

  6. You should take her back. Tell her that you and her should be tested for STD. Then every time you're with her think of the the great pounding s*x she enjoys. Always think about her having great pounding s*x with different dudes. Try to imagine what they look like and how much she liked being with them. Every time you have s*x with her wonder if she is comparing your performance to the other dudes. What if they are bigger than you ? Maybe she did things with them she won't do with you? When she smiles or talks to you think about where her mouth may have been.  If she smile for no reason, you can wonder what she is thinking about. Have a nice day.

  7. Sounds to me like there are conflicting stances on relationships between you and her.

    I personally would not be as close with her if I were looking to settle down with someone since it seems like she still wants to find her ideal match.

    Letting what she has done go is all up to you really - I mean if you're emotionally close to her then of course it's going to be hard and maybe you should let her know while not expecting that she feels the same way for you.

    STD test? Why not? Might as well.

    As for giving her a second chance... like I said, it sounds like her actions have dictated that maybe she's undecided on settling down; after confirming this with her and she does in fact want to eventually marry you, it all depends on how much you feel you can trust her.

  8. i would forget about her.

    answer mine plz;...

  9. as a parent, you really should put your kids first. you both sound screwed up. what do you mean..."baby time"??

  10. Speaking as a parent, if I was with someone who left because of my kids, they can stay gone.

    If you're just looking for a hole to fill, fill it elsewhere. This woman was jealous of your kids. Kids come first, no matter what age they are. Any good woman would know that.

    I think she will cause you unwanted drama.

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