
My girlfriend and I are having a lil bit of a problem HELP!?

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2 1/2 years thru the first year we had a lot of s*x we talked everything was awesome but the last year and a half we do the whole foreplay thing most clothes are off and then she's all like wait and teases just like it's a game to turn me on and leave me hanging and it's like this a lot the only time we seem to have s*x anymore is if we get in a fight and have 'make up s*x' she says i'm good in bed has many times so I know that's not the problem and as far as talking all she wants to talk about anymore is her cousins problems and she's always trying to hook her up with someone new repeatingly asking me if i have friends to hook her up my question...everytime i bring this up to her she overreacts and says all I want from her is s*x and that I need to care more about her cousin and her problems because she would do the same for us...I try to tell her that it's her cousins life and she shouldn't worry so much we have a relationship to worry about she agrees for about a week and then goes right back into it...I don't want to break up with her because it hasnt always been this way and i'm so in love with her but a man has needs and only getting it a few times and talking about her cousin and her constant teasing is starting to get annoying....what should I do???....




  1. Tell her that you have needs to. Its not a one way street, where you do everything for her and she does nothing for you!!

  2. Just be honest with her... tell her how you feel with the way she's behaving.  

  3. I see.Okay,the problem is you're being inconsiderate about her cousin's problem and maybe some other things about your relationship.It's not always about s*x man,come on.If you love her,be supportive by giving suggestions or ideas instead of being selfish to yourself.That's why she tells you these things because she cares about your opinion....

  4. You know what you have to do! get a new one,you said yourself she won't change.

  5. I know you are thinking about you here but...

    have you asked her if she has a problem or she feels uncomfortable about something?

  6. this is my thought

    you did a really good thing by telling her how you felt

    but maybe she needs her space shes probally worrying about her cuzin but also girls worry alot so i think you need to be there for her even though its getting annoying

    but if nothing else helps you diffently need to sit her aside and talk one on one

    i hope everything works out and i hope i kinda helped

  7. Well based on this question...all you care about IS the s*x. 90% of what you just explained as the problem is that you aren't getting s*x as much as you did in the first year of the relationship...

    Putting up with the c**p like "cousin talks" and that kind of junk is part of being in a relationship. Show some interest man. Just hook her up with one of your friends and "poof" problem solved, you did your part and showed you gave a **** about what your girlfriend cares about. I think its time to look in the mirror man, stop thinking about just yourself and think about her, think about what she wants and what she is concerned with once in a while.

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