
My girlfriend and I had an exact, detailed, vision of our future together. What does that mean?

by  |  earlier

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Neither of us are making it up as we go on, trying to be the same. If you're not sure about that, then just assume this is how things are. It started off about how our child would look, if we had one. It went off from that to me coming home, in clothes I'd honestly never thought I'd see myself in... and I'm sitting here telling her "well I was wearing this, and you were doing this" and her mouth would drop. Then after we're done freaking out, she'd casually mention something, that I saw in my vision, without saying anything to her about it! We just wanna know what it means!!




  1. I have no idea sorry. But me and my Best friend can share a dream. She will have part one, the next night I have part two. On day 3 whine we are talking we pice it together that my dream picked up where hers left off.  Things like this happens alot. The on idea I have is that you two are close to each other mentaly.

  2. This could be due to you both sharing a common idea of what you would like the future to look like. Common factors are what attract people and allow them to stay together in relationships. Thus, if you have things in common certain aspects of the future you want are going to be shared as well.

    The other possibility is that ESP (perhaps unconsciously) is at work and you are influencing one anothers thoughts.

    It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship and beyond that I don't see why these experiences matter.

    However, I have listed links below to two books if you wish to explore either one of the above possibilities.


  3. don't believe those people who tell you that your sycic or it is divine intervention or something, So probably both had been listing off ideas  subconsciously and your two visions where part coincident and part to do with your subconscious. Read more about this on google and such but a special as it seems there is a reasonable and scientific explanation

  4. That's amazing. Something new on here almost every day.!

    Edit..HEY!!YOU'RE NEW TOO !! I see this is your first question on YA. Welcome to the Paranormal Section. ! Be sure and check out Discover Resolved Questions.You might find some of your own experiences in there...but I don't remember one like this one.

    Edit..Probably ..years later..if this really'll call it Deja Vu !

  5. How old were you when she kills you in your sleep?

  6. Wow, that's weird!!! Maybe you're having premonitions???

  7. means shes nutts...drop the deadweight

  8. i had similar thing when i went to casino but i was wrong darned lol

  9. Maybe you two were meant for one another.

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