
My girlfriend and I need a recomendation on somwhere to eat tonight. Doe's anyone have any?

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My girlfriend and I need a recomendation on somwhere to eat tonight. Doe's anyone have any?




  1. well...depends on where you live.

    But if your looking for a vegan friendly chain eatery...try P.F. Changs. They are one of the best in veg friendly food.

  2. Red Robin if there is one near.  They have good Boca burgers.

  3. you could go out for chinese. you could also go out to anywhere that would serve spagetti. im not sure where you live, so i cant really tell you places you would know. sorry. : )

  4. rubys

    Daphne's greek cafe

    macaroni grill

  5. I guess it depends on where you live (state, province), and in which country.

    ~ In Canada, Swiss Chalet have great healthy options, like great salads, spinach & cranberry salad, asian mandarin salad....

    ~ I would avoid Pizza Hut, or any pizza place, as they are usually not too friendly on the vegetarian/vegan front....unless you get the veggie pizza (which sometimes can get boring...)

    ~ You can look at getting some sushi, and getting only the veggie options (avocado, cucumber, scrambled egg -- if you eat eggs -- ...etc.)

    Hope this helps!

  6. You might not have one of these around your area, but P.F. Changs has many vegetarian options. (i'm guessing this is what your looking for since this is in the v/v section) They have stir fried tofu, vegetarian lettuce wraps, etc. Their food is really good, too. You could also go to Olive Garden because they have pasta dishes with marinara and tomato sauces. I think the Cheesecake factory has vegetarian options too. :)

  7. go for some good BBQ! i LOVE that stuff.

  8. chicks love burgerking...its a panty stealer

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