
My girlfriend broke up with me, what should I do?

by Guest63961  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I have been together mostly on but did have some off periods for six and a half years. We've been dating since the end of 8th grade. We are both in college now, but unfortunately 3 hours away from each other so we rarely see each other. We've managed to make it until now, which has been almost 2 years.

We've had a pretty solid relationship. Everything was perfect, even the bad things. I once believed that I got lucky and found love early and that these relationships can work.

But now, all is lost. Yesterday, she called me saying she doesn't feel the same way towards me and that we've grown apart. She also says that she isn't the same person she was back when we started dating and she doesn't see herself marrying me anymore.

I don't understand, as I feel the same way towards her as I did back then. I understand that we are both busy but I didn't think it would ever come to this. This is reality, what she has said she means and I know it.

I really don't know what to do. I need to get this off my chest and really need some support here. Should I drive up and try to convince her or to see if that sparks things this weekend? Should I tell her to reconsider?

I don't feel that what she said is a legitimate reason to end such long and once cherished relationship.

I'm really upset and have never felt this way before. Everything reminds me of her and I just feel like I have this hole in my chest. There's nothing I can do here! I don't want this, I just want things to be the same again.

I'm a good guy, I've treated her as the princess she deserves to be treated as. I've done everything to help her rise above.

I don't understand why she doesn't want to be with me? I don't know how I will ever move on.

I need your help, anyone. Thanks in advance




  1. Have you heard the song, "I got a Brand New Girl Friend?" As was already said, move on. There is no use moping about what you've lost, look at it as an opportunity to meet someone new, have a new realtionship, and new experiences. I think in our new world we are used to having what we want and aren't prepared to not get what we want. Unfortunately, when it comes to another person we can't always have what we want. Move on, enjoy your life.  

  2. i hate to say it but love is in the eye of the beholder, and if she doesn't feel the same chances are you wont' change her mind. my good freind went through the same thing with his girl for 8 yrs. he went to the navy she went to college they were engaged. but then she met someone else and dumped him. it will not be easy. it took him almost 2 yrs to truly get over her and he was like a zombie. and me and my man broke up after 3 yrs and i was devastated. felt a lot like you described you feeling. he came back to me after i acted as if i was over him and now its been 5 yrs we've been together. but don't count on that we are the minority 1 of 100 that it happens that way. you have to move on and talk to anyone who will listen. get it out. i used to do anything i could to not think of the ex. hang out with anyone available. when i finally cut off contact with him he wondered what i was doing and where i was and how i got over it. i started to be ok after 3 months. if i hadn't accepted him back after he begged and stalked me. i would have been ok. it sure doesn't feel like it to begin with. but you will find someone who will adore you and make you forget about your heart ache. it takes time and occupying your mind.  you will wish she'd come back but like it sounds you have think of it like she never will. tell yourself it's not you cause it's not. her leaving is all about her. you did nothing. i hope you feel better eventually and hope things work out. it wasn't meant to be, but you will find what is. just give it time..

  3. I suggest that you go and hang out with her. Don't push the dating thing, try not to bring it up. Treat her like a friend. Girls sometimes need some times to themselves, also she hasn't been with anyone else for a long time, she might not know what she wants, she may not know if your the one for her. Give her time, be her trusted close friend. If she decideds your it, then she'll come to you. plus showing her you'll still be there for her even when she's not yours, is the best thing you can do.  

  4. Aww that's so sad

    but unfortunately i think that she has found someone else

    you should move on too

    Good Luck

  5. She's met someone else, get over it and move on.

  6. It is a legitimate reason. But I wouldn't give up on the relationship. Tell her you want to talk in person and explain the way you feel. That's about all you can do.

  7. If you really feel that she is making a mistake, tell her so! Let her know that you don't feel the way she does, and tell her how special she is to you. After letting her know how you feel about it let her go. Everything happens for a reason and i know it would make you sad but this is the best way.

    It is not that there is a problem with you, she just feels differently and is following her instincts.

    Try to spend time with your friends and family and not think about her too much, but if you do perhaps you could write it down in a journal and then close it when you're done. Don't re-read it. Just let it out and do what it takes to make yourself feel better.

    There will be other girl/s! You sound like a really good one, and someone will snap you up dont you worry :)

  8. say you mean everything to me ......... and so on

    cause its true

    it will make her feel special and wanted

  9. im avabile (spellin?) lol!!!!!!!!!!!

    help me 2;...

  10. Am really sory to hear this hun and can understand what you and your girlfriend is going through.  The thing is this can happen 20 years later.  People grow apart unfortunately and they do change.  You can't make someone love you, I know because it is the over way round for me and my soon to be ex husband.  We have been together 12 years and met when I was nearly 18.  I thought we would be together for ever.  However one day I changed and grew up and thought to myself I don't want this life anymore.  We are going through divorce now and 3 young children are involved so it is very complicated.  If I were you I would cut your losses, grieve and look for someone else.  There are plenty of women out there and to be honest it doesn't matter how nice and lovely you are to a person, it makes no difference.  My husband was the same to me although I have seen different since we have split.  Long distance is always very hard, especially that far away.  Take up a new hobby like dancing, salsa is really good as it is very sociable and a way of getting to know other women.  With the regular weekly meet up you can get to know them gradually and see for yourself that there is more to life than what you had.  Goodluck hun.  Get out there and enjoy yourself.

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