
My girlfriend broke up with me 2 days ago. We hung out the same day we broke up. She said she just wants to ?

by  |  earlier

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be friends. When we hung out and were talking about why breaking up i could tell she was close to tearing but i didnt know what to say. But i don't want that. I want to either stay in a relationship or just forget everything and stop talking to each other. How can i indirectly hint this to her?




  1. Just tell her

    your in or your out.

  2. You can't indirectly hint anything.  Just tell her that you appreciate her being honest with you, but right now you can't be her friend.  You need time to get over the hurt.  Keep reminding her of that if she continues to call, and eventually she'll stop.

  3. Nooo don't play games tell her that you really liked her as more than just friends and you need time to be with or without her, not in between. Be sweet when you tell her, maybe she really will change her mind.

    <3 ~k8~

  4. tell her

  5. hhbjckg

  6. Tell her you dont want to breack up...

    and if she say that she just want to be friends... well just ingnore her.. .and if u see her say hi or bye

    maybe if she see u ingnoring her she will get the hint  

  7. maybe she cheated on you and can't bare to tell you

    she can also be having other guys around or she wants to keep you around

    why did she tell she broke up with you?


    does she make u happy enough?

    is it really worth it

    once u know that then

    next time you talk to her tell how you feel and tell her we are either going to be together or be 100% over

    you can tell her u guys can be friends but for a while its better of just not talking for the best of the both of you guys

    i know this situation can be hard becuase iam currently going through it as well and iam going to take my own advice and do just that

    i hope i helped and good luck!

  8. u should say what u feel to her she probably forgive your

  9. You can not indirectly hint things

    Wspecially in relationships...things should be said out loud

    And in saying that i think the friend-move is BS on her part. Not that exs can't be friends but that you can't be friends with someone right after you break up. You both need time and space to distance each other from the emotions and the pain and then MAYBE you will be able to be friends at some future date (normally it takes me a year or so to be able to be friendly with an ex even if it ended on good terms)

  10. tell her it hurts too much to be her friend only and not date her when you still love her so much.

    then, try to sleep as many girls as you can to get over.

  11. I agree with surge. She either wants you or she doesn't, anything in between will just end up with someone (most likely you) getting hurt. If she decides she doesn't want you. Tell her you don't want any contact in order for you to get over her. You never know when she finds out what is like not having you around she might realise that its you she does actually want. As the saying goes you don't know what you've got till its gone, so go and hopefully she'll miss you and want you back. If not don't worry, plenty more fish, Her loss.

  12. That is a very serious talk and you need to sit and tell her how you feel and what you want. You can not rely on hints when it comes to relationships. Always be open and tell her whats in your mind....

  13. I've been told "it hurts too much to talk to you"  "It hurts too much to stay friends with you'" this indirectly puts the problem with you and not her.

  14. Well theres a few scenarios that could be playing out in her mind.

    A) She doesn't feel like she wants to commit to you in a girlfriend/boyfriend basis, but likes you enough to just be friends.

    B) She doesn't want anything to do with you, and simply stated she wanted to be friends so that she doesn't destroy your feelings.

    C) She is unsure of what she wants and may be blowing something out of proportion, in which case she'll be quick to fix it back up again.

    You can't really take your chances with the scenarios, and there could be many more in her mind. If you truly don't want to break up, you HAVE to directly tell her you don't want to and you want to work it out. If she is hesitant to do so or says she really just wants to stay friends. Then just break it off with her completely and leave it be. Friends doesn't mean hanging out all the time, you could simply ignore her for the rest of your life. But the heart's candle may still be low lit and could burn brighter down in the future.

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