
My girlfriend broke up with me... is it too soon to get another?

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My girlfriend broke up with me about a week ago because she didnt want a serious relationship. It crushed me. i stayed in my room for all day listening to my emo songs, feeling depressed, and like the world hates me.

But luckily one of my other friends, who is a girl, helped me, and is still helping me cope with the emotional pain of losing my girlfriend.

i'm becoming, sort of, emotionaly attached to her now because she's been soooo nice to me. And i'm wondering if its too soon to start another relationship, when i'm still trying to heal from a previous one




  1. about a month and a half ago my girlfriend of 3 years, the love of my life, left me after telling me she had been cheating on me for the past month. i had a friend like you who was really there for me and probably stopped me from killing myself, i thought i loved her but after waiting a little while and thinking about it i realized i didn't really care for her the way i cared for my ex. i would give it some more time, maybe she is the real deal for u but after losing someone u really care about, someone u wanted to be with forever, u don't always think clearly, id give it some more time and see what happens. you wouldn't want to make a bad decision and possibly ruin a great friendship when u might not be thinking at ur clearest, give it some time and see what happens, and if u still feel the same way give it a shot. until then keep it up and listen to some alkaline trio :D

  2. Only love can break a heart ♥ and only love can mend it again ♥

  3. No it's not too soon. I know it is hard to get over a relationship like that, but one thing to remember is never think the world hates you. The world can be unkind sometimes. But the only time it is too soon to date again is if you were married and the loved one died. or you had a girlfriend and it was serious and she died. at that point in time it is too soon to date. but right now if you really like this girl i would go for it. Find the true love you are looking for. Don't keep thinking of the one that you obviously can't have. ( not meaning that in a mean way meaning it as in she doesn't want it) so go for it. but remember, if she doesn't like you like that try looking at matching websites to find someone or just keep searching. don't listen to emo music when u are upset it's the worst thing it only makes u more upset.

  4. the best way to get over one girl is to get another go for it.

  5. since your ex was the one who broke up with you,its up to you when you think youre ready to move on. personally, i think you should wait a little longer. you dont want you your freind to think that shes the rebound girl. wait another week or two, then go for it!

  6. This girl sounds like the real deal, go for it before she gets away.

  7. Yeah...she's your friend.  And with an emotional breakup you just experienced, don't go for the next available woman.  So keep her as a friend for now and try to meet other women.  You may spook her too much if you jump from one woman to another...and if she's smart, she'll see you're looking at her as a rebound.  It just won't work.  It's best to start fresh with someone you've never met.

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