
My girlfriend can spell FUDGE with her GCSE results what should i say if my mum asks?

by  |  earlier

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  1. what?

  2. Don't tell your mum anything, but if she asks, just tell her the truth. If you lie, she will find out the truth somehow, and she will be a bit pissed off with you. So it's easier to tell the truth, and you never know, she might even respect you for having the guts to tell the truth.

  3. Tell her that at least she can spell fudge! Some people in my year would have struggled to manage that! Lol

    No just tell her that it's nothing to do with her.

  4. That brains aren't everything!

    Lets just hope she's a looker.

  5. Why should it matter if your mum should ask? If you like this girl then that is all that matters! Why would her grades affect your mums opinion of her?

  6. You say that she's not the brightest banana in the bunch but she's very nice...

  7. FUDGE!

    Then i'd run.....


    i would tell your mum that she had a rough time in her GCSE's and tell her that she is very upset about them.

    Good luck on tellin her.

    Hope I'm Helping

    Beth  :)

  8. Don't tell her

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