
My girlfriend claims that she had s*x with a ghost.?

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I found some torn underwear in her purse the other day and asked why it was torned and why she kept it. she told me the other day when she was home alone some spirit attacked her and had s*x with her and tore it.

is it possible for a ghost to have s*x with a human?





  1. LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


    I hope your not for real.

    Wow and you fell for this sh*T? It's called an excuse for cheating on you...haven't you noticed the white stains on the sheets? Boy don't be a fool.....use your head.

  2. "Why is it every time I sleep with a guy he disappears into the wall?"

  3. Do you remember that MTV show where people would go in places that were scary?  One girl said she thought a spirit had s*x with her.  You better get that handy dandy Bible off the shelf and open it up for a change!

    EDIT***********After rereading, I had to edit to mention if she was "home alone", as she stated,  and it tore her undies why would she pick them up and put them in her purse???  She would trash or wash them....Unless, she is going to tell you that the ghost put them in her purse, too!!!

  4. i think it is absurd. dont loose heart. may be she is trying to play some prank on u to see if u really care for her. take her over for a coffee and talk openly with her. if she still insists on her previous statement stop talking about that to her and dont take it to u heart as i feel ghosts cant do such things

  5. no idiot ghosts are real you dumb AZs, seriously she banged another guy , dump her ASZ

  6. No, she's lying to you, she either cheated on you or she...well h**l it's hard to explain torn underwear in her purse.

  7. Are you for real? If that c**p really works then you've just given men all over the world a whole new excuse to get away with adultery.

    There are so many things that happen that we don't know about but following common sense is usually just the smartest thing. Next thing you know she'll be coming home drunk smelling like aftershave and telling you she was attacked by a leprechaun.

  8. I've heard some stories. But I don't think so. I think she was just trying to make excuses get out of it. Or maybe she has Schizophrenia disorder.

  9. You better call the ghostbusters and fast! You don't want that ghost to come back and steal her soul or even worse make her pregnant with a half ghost half living person baby.

  10. Lol, that's a good one. She just got busted, you idiot, and you let her off with I had s*x with a ghost. What she really means is I had wild, passionate, unbelievably hot s*x with someone else, and I hope you will believe this story because the truth isn't going to do either of us any good.

  11. i think your girlfriend is cheating on you. but thats just the first thing that poped in my head

  12. No, but it is possible for you to be up past your bedtime.

  13. I think it's possible

  14. Maybe? But I don't see how something not physical could tear her underwear... she's fibbbbinngg (or crazy) - no offense.

  15. May be her neighbour have a nick name as GHOST

  16. OMG!!???? Really????

  17. remember, no you were to drunk to remember and so was she.

  18. Only if your gf is demonized

  19. Demon posession.

  20. Tell your girlfriend to lay off "The Entity".

  21. Well it's been a while since a woman has used that one!

    Your girlfriend did not have s*x with a ghost. Either she made it up, or she was raped by someone and can't bare to face it, or had consensual s*x with someone, and by someone, I mean real physical person.

  22. Nick name the Ghost doing you girlfriend is my sick little game

  23. hahahaha no.

    My husband wants to know if it's possible that 1 man could be so dam stupid.

    She's cheating. How u deal with it now is up to u.

  24. Dude, you need to get a tan. Or the guy she is sleeping with is an Albino.

  25. Ghost my foot! Hate to say this but ghosts donot exist.   Who is she the virgin Mary?  If i were you i would be very suspicious of this.  You need to find out if she has been attacked and feels guilty/ ashamed about talking about it or has she slept with someone else freely.  Best of luck

  26. Obviously it is evident that she cheated on you but using a ghost as an excuse was apparently naive. " No sane man will believe that a ghost really exists... " humans made up ghost in the socialisation process.

  27. terrible story! but that's impossible

  28. very unlikely

  29. she definitely got that idea from Scary Movie... 1? 2? i don't remember. hmm she's lying.

  30. Sure it's possible, Have you ever heard of a INCUBUS or

    the HOLY GHOST that impregnated MARY with the CHRIST

    CHILD. Google any of these names to read about spirits or

    ANGLES having s*x with humans.

  31. No. That's ridiculous.

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