
My girlfriend dad is overreacting? please help

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Ok he won't let me and my girlfriend in her room alone with the door shut. We were not having s*x or anything. We were watching a movie in her room and she made a joke towards me; so i start playing around with her, tickling u know all the playful stuff. We were not naked or anything. She got me pinned down to the bed. (I LET HER) LOL

her dad walked in and got mad for some reason. He is being unreasonable. We were not having s*x or anything. We were joking/playing around. She isn't his little girl anymore, she is a sophomore in high school, like i am.

what should we do? I dont want to ruin her relationship with her dad but i think he over reacted when he walked in to me and my girlfriend/his daughter Ashley playing around. I like to joke with her. Its to funny.She is beautiful, s**y, nice, sweet, amazing body but s*x is the last thing on my mind.

He said that what we were doing, leads to s*x. WHAT, whatever. Was her dad over reacting.




  1. I don't think he was overreacting at all. He was right that stuff leads to s*x and even if it didn't it's his daughter and his house so respect his rules and his daughter.

  2. i understand where you are coming from what you see as playful and innocent can look totally different to a father...he sees his little girl with a boy and gets freaked out...teenage pregnancy is a serious reality

  3. yeah her dad was overreacting but dont leave her just stay with her

    its up to her to talk to her dad about it  

  4. No, I don't think he was over reacting. that's all that was going on with me and my boyfriend at first. Now I'm 17 and 6 months pregnant with his baby. Soooo.. haha...but were still together and very much in love =)

  5. ummm NO  u were the retarded one, see it from his view!

    wow think of it in another persons perspective

    you prolly werent doing anything but he still thinks sjes his little girl. be a little sensitive

  6. my dad does the same thing too me and my babe Pablo and we are both 16 like what the h**l?!?!?!

  7. My girlfriend's dad sounds a lot like the person in question that you are having trouble with.

    I'd say try to build some trust with him: next time watch a movie with the door voluntarily open just to show him that you care about what he thinks.  Keep finding little ways to build trust and eventually he'll stop worrying.  I'd recommend spending some one on one time with him, maybe like rock climbing where he has to trust you with his life or something, hehe (but less risky activities will work too).

    There's a principle in psychology called habituation, which basically means the more time we spend around a certain person, the more we naturally will like that person.  People don't like what they aren't used to or are unfamiliar with, give him a chance to know you better.  

    You know, maybe your girlfriend's dad has a point that those sort of things, eventually, could lead to s*x.  Maybe not for you or your girlfriend, but there's been enough other people out there where that's been the case to worry the poor guy.  

  8. its just that fathers are overprotective of their daughters. they really dont want to see their little girls get pregnat. And they usually know what boys are after, afterall hes been there, done that.

    But its just something you need to get over. My parents are just as strict. You cant change it.

  9. All he saw was his daughter on top of another guy i mean if i saw a picture of that what else would i think right? but seriously if ur at her house and u find some time alone with him, tell him you want a talk man to man. ask him what he finds uncomfortable with you doing then tell him your intentions. then be all like "i have nothing but respect for your daughter and your decisions". im 15 but i know how alot of adults minds work. in truth, he was overreacting given the situation, but hes the typical parent that is afraid of his child changing. if hes a good guy he'll respect you for standing up to him and could give you some leeway with her.

  10. Dude, just hold off for a while, and just like gain her dads trust. Show him what you just told us, how s*x is the last thing on your mind. Show him that you are a gentlemen and not just with his daughter to hurt her. I know this may seem stupid, but kiss his butt and suck up to him. "So Mr. So n' So, your tie looks extra nice today" or "Your lawn looks really nice"

  11. My dad did the same thing lol. As unfair as it may be, it's his home, so the only thing you can do is be respectful - trust me, my boyfriend and I goofed around, and my dad was just like what the !!

  12. go to your house

  13. actually her dad wasn't over reacting your lucky he didn't whoop your asss lol and ya those things do lead to s*x trust me bro.  

  14. A. When you have a daughter, you'll understand

    B. A daughter is always a daddy's little girl no matter how old

    My first girlfriend's dad got mad when he walked into the living room and I had my arm around her shoulder (same age), so it could be worse.  

  15. Really, I think as a father, the attitude should be expected. Like a fathers instinct, What would you think if you walked in on your "little girl" pinning her bf down? It's just the way he feels. The best thing to do is respect that. Btw, I think thats cool, what you were doing.

  16. I tend to agree with her dad.  You need to apologize and make it clear that you are both on the same page.  

    My own daughter felt the same as you did but it was my job to make sure she was safe.  I made a mistake and ended up in jail and not in my proper place, protecting her.  

    Well I now have 3 grand kids and she is not married.  Hmm,  could the dad be right?  

  17. Maybe, but he's looking after his little girl.  He's scared and doesn't want her to grow up too fast.  Although you're not a child, you're still a kid.  You seem like you respect your girlfriend.  Show her dad that you respect his concerns if you really want to continue seeing this girl.  

  18. Listen to her father. Based on what you've stated about her being s**y and having an amazing body, how could you honestly say that s*x is the last thing on your mind? She lives in her parents home and you should be respecting the rules they set down regarding how their daughter interacts with you in their home. Stay out of her room. Sit in the livingroom or out on the porch. If you have nothing to hide, this should be no problem for you.

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