
My girlfriend deleted her cv. how can i rescue it?

by Guest60257  |  earlier

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It was about 2 weeks ago she was clearing up the computer of c**p and accidently deleted her c.v. She needs it now to start applying for new jobs i looked in the recycle bin its not there anybody know any tricks??




  1. if she just deleted it from a folder then it should be in your recycle bin. there should be a shortcut on your desktop. if she deleted it from there then you cant get it back

  2. If it was that long ago, I afraid it has gone by being overwritten. You will not be able to recover it. If she had done it straight away she would have got it back.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but if it was that important she should have backed it off onto a storage medium as soon as she had finished it. Because even if the hard drive had crashed instead she would still have it. The backing off of important data can't be emphasised enough! Take this as a learning curve.

  3. The trick is to back up to a portable storage device. Buy her one for her birthday.

  4. go on the search function which can be accessed via the start menu, type in what it was called if you can remember it, or part of it, and let it search, if its on your computer it should be able to find it

  5. If your girlfriend deleted the file and then emptied the Recycle Bin and this was only two weeks ago then there is a good chance that the file is still on the computer but you will need to use a specialist file recovery tool to find and recover it.  The one I use is called ZAR, Zero Assumption Recovery.  This is effective, but not free unfortunately.

    Your girlfriend seems to be a bit of a tidy freak.  If she can clear her own CV into oblivion, woe betide you if she ever gets her hands on your stuff!

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