
My girlfriend got pregnant with my mistake. she doesnt want

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she is in first month she got it coz she doesnt face periods.she doesnt want this child and also she doesnt want to go to doctor for abortion.Is there any way out of this problem. plz help




  1. It will still involve her going to the dr, but she can get a pill that will cause an abortion.

    If her reason for not wanting the abortion is that she is against it then adoption is probably the best option. She should start seeing an ob/gyn right away though if she wants to go that way so they can make sure everything is ok.

  2. Wow you call it a problem. You should have used protection if you didnt want to get her pregnant and have a baby. No if she doesnt want to have it or even put it up for adoption then abortion is the only other choice.

  3. well, is she doesn't want an abortion...the only other option is adoption.  Maybe next time she will be more careful when having s*x.  The purpose of s*x is not just for's to pro-create.

  4. Would you be willing to take the child and be a single father? It's an option - but not an easy one. If she won't consider abortion, then would she consider adoption? Maybe you can find someone who will give your baby a loving and welcoming home. Good luck!

  5. Good Luck with whatever you choose to do.

  6. this sounds terrible but my friend kayleen had her boyfriend beat/kick the **** out of her stomach (lower stomach where the uterus is) a couple times a day for about a week when she got pregnant so if she is not against abortions but cant afford it... but do remember that this is really dangerous... REALY REALLY DANGEROUS

    another option is adoption but if she cant have her parents find out... this would be a problem

    if she isnt too too far along it may help to take vitamin pills but make sure you read the site that i gave you for this (below)

    also check out the site (below the vitamin c site) that i gave you it says that its safe and some people have already tried this...

    im impressed that ur being so supportive of ur girlfriend most guys run... i no this must be a scary time for you but be strong for her!!  good luck

  7. well basically she shud think about adoption....

  8. She can put the baby up for adoption.  Or YOU can be a MAN and raise the child yourself.  Some single dads have done the MANLY thing, taken responsibility and raised the child the mother has rejected.

    What ever is done, abortion should not be considered.  Do you want YOUR flesh and blood killed?

  9. Well unfortunately whats done is done. You can only face this together now. This may make or break your relationship. If you want it and she doesn't, you may resent her in the future. Also, vice versa. You need to be open with eachother and discuss the best options for you both. Either way she will have to see a doctor. There is no getting around that.

    Good luck.

  10. this is not the kind of "problem" you get advice for from strangers on the web. and you are certain to draw the right winger crazies (like the one below) who will take this as a platform to spout anti-choice rhetoric.  

    this is a decision for your girlfriend and only her. not for you and certainly not for the yahoos on Yahoo

  11. adoption

  12. the only thing left is adoption.

    you both just need to sit down and calmly talk about it, and how u both feel, and what the best thing is for you, her and the baby. Maybe she will change her mind about wanting the baby as she goes through the pregnancy.  She can not avoid the doctor though, if she wont do an abortion and u guys decide on adoption, she still has to go to all her doctors appts and check ups, you CAN NOT avoid that, not only for the baby's health but hers as well.  Those are VERY important.  

    Do u want the child, even if she still doesn't want the baby even after birth, would u consider being a single dad? I am sure your family would help u through it.  I might be hard at times but remember this is YOUR child, and it needs you.

    Best of luck to all of you!

  13. i think the only mistake you made is not using protection, talking about wanting a child should have happened before any sexual act.  that way you know where you both stand, and you'd know if either of you wanted one or not

  14. the only other option is adoption. she shouldnt have gotten her self into that situation if she didnt want to get pregnant, because thats a very high risk when you have s*x...

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