
My girlfriend has wierd dreams about me.?

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my girlfriend just told me recently that shes been having dreams where ive attempted/raped her , (me, her, her sister, our frend david and her brother were going to las vegas and it was a long car ride, and we stayed at a motel, and her brother took me and david out to have some "fun" and left my girlfriend and her sister alone at the motel and when we got back i was being really quiet and not saying anything, and then i went to my room and she followed me, and this is were she told me i tried to rape her, and then apparently i told her if she didnt do what i wanted that i would kill her so then she let me)... what does thine mean??? i would really like to know...

and there was another where we were at a party and she went upstairs and found me with another girl. :(

but i would never do either of these things EVER




  1. According to dreaming that she has been raped suggests a sadistic expression of sexual desire. She may be expressing an unconscious desire to be violated, conquered, or forced into forbidden territory. It also indicates vengeful feelings toward the opposite s*x. Alternatively, it suggests that she is feeling violated in some way. Something or someone is jeopardizing her self-esteem and emotional well-being. Dreams of rape are also common for those who were actually raped in their waking life.

    Has she ever been raped before?

    Her dream that you are cheating on her suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal.  Has she been compromised? Are her beliefs or integrity and/or wasting her energy and time on fruitless endeavors.?? Alternatively, it? reflects the intensity of her sexual passion and exploring areas of her sexuality. It is a reaffirmation of your commitment.

    EDIT: lol 14 - um, this answer seems a lil bit mature for what you guys are up to now, huh?

    She may have thought about having s*x with you but since it is in rape form it's way passed/forbidden what you guys do.

    The cheating is sort of showing how she does think about commitment between you guys. Maybe even a bit scared of you cheating and leacing her.

  2. It could just be insecurity on her part about your relationship.  Maybe you display very subtle negative behaviors that her subconscious picks up on, and expounds upon in her dreams;  all dreams do.  Me and my best friend have both had dreams about us fighting with each other, though in reality we never fight.  We have differences, but learn to compromise, and the lack of conflict only leaves us to guess; just how deep does this problem go?  Thus the dark dreams.

  3. IT MEANS SHE HO$NY , seriously its tension comming out in subconscious ways and though the act in itself is unappealing to most sane woman.  the fantasy of it is, hence the thrill of handcuffs ect

  4. OK I hope that people don't react to dreams and start freaking out because dreams don't mean what they seem because that is itself the secret codes of dreams.

    Obviously, you feel happy to have this girl so you try to impress her by giving her a lot of things to which she probably refuses to take them from you or she feels uncomfortable to take things from you like money, other supports or what have you.

    The other part where she sees you with a girlfriend, It is not clear to me because you do not mention what she saw you doing in the dream. You just said "she found me with another girl" If you mean, having physical contact, if that is the case, then it signifies that you were deceptive towards her several times before.

  5. she may have found something out about you but doesnt want to say anything but its driving her crazy inside and thats why she is having dreams like that maybe. she might have found out you do something bad like drink or drugs or she could have found something out about her friends or anything like that. it most likely has to do with something she knows and is having trouble with trust now

    answer mine? it has to do with my dream from a while back;...

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