
My girlfriend is 14 weeks pregnant and thirsty?

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She is thirsty all of the time, and can't stop drinking and it never seems to fulfil her thirst. Any ideas what this may be?




  1. I am 39 weeks and on day. I also to am very thirsty and i never new why.. maybe tell her to drink water because everything else i drank  just made me more thirsty. Waters really the only thing that satisfies my thirst.

  2. Its normal, I have been so thirsty throughout my pregnancy. lol Ive probably gone through a gallon of water a day sometimes. Ive had to basically live in the bathroom, but its great to drink lots of water, and stay hydrated. If a baby has to little fluid, it can die. So let her drink all she needs. Its best though if you just let her have abottle of water at a time and tell her to make it last for about an hour, so that then she will hopefully be just sipping it, and that will help becasue shes getting water, just in a smaller amount. Make sure that she is drinking no less then 8-12 cups a day. There is also a thing as having to much fluid for the baby, but the baby can regulate that and the doctor would be able to tell easily.

  3. i had the same thing early in my pregnancy too ... Turned out to be nothing .. but I would have her tell her OB because there might be something wrong ...  

  4. Hi I am exactly the same, believe it or not this could be her craving just anything to drink. I am exactly the same, I never hardly drank at all before I was pregnant maybe a few cups of tea a day but now im drinking litres of fizzy pop and coke a cola, everyday. its just what I feel like.

    There is a risk of diabetes but she will be getting checked out at the every midwfie appointment so they would find it out if she does have. but im sure its just what she is craving as it doesnt need to be food to have a craving,

  5. Here is a fact sheet on gestational diabetes.

    Get her to see her doctor as soon as  possible and explain her symptoms, to get this checked out.

    It is not unusual to have an occasional raging thirst, especially if you have eaten something salty, but to be constantly thirsty is not normal.

  6. Could be a sign of Gestational Diabetes, which is common during pregnancy. Have her talk to her Dr about getting her sugar checked.  

  7. maybe if you gave her some water (:

  8. perhaps she is diabetic

  9. Ihave been extra thirsty all throughout. Drinking lots of water has helped with the excess water weight, lol. She needs to be drinking lots of water everyday as it is so its good she is wanting it. Talk to the dr if you think its too much. They normally dont test for diabetes till about 27 weeks (at least thats what my dr said). Good luck

  10. Well, they should be testing her urine at every appointment for sugar and protein.  The sugar test is to detect diabetes.  Does she pee in a cup every time she goes to the doctor/midwife?

    If that test is negative she could still be diabetic, though.

    I'd be concerned she's developed gestational diabetes.

    At her next appointment, have her run it down to the midwife/doctor and they will probably give her a glucose challenge test earlier than normal just to be sure.  Better safe than sorry.

    However, perfectly benign (non harmful) things could be making her thirsty, too!

    She is creating a lot of extra blood to nourish her newly enlarged uterus, growing placenta, amniotic fluid, the baby etc. and this will only increase as she gets further along in her pregnancy -- so her thirst may increase with this growth in blood volume and water in her system.

    Is she craving ice, too?   Maybe she's iron deficient.  Does her prenatal vitamin have iron in it?  If it doesn't, maybe she needs a supplement.

    How much did she drink, fluid wise, pre-pregnancy?  

    If she didn't drink much fluids, her body will tell her "you need fluid!!! Drink more!!" and not stop until it is satisfied.

    What is she drinking?  Have her try things that are not sweet and are caffeine free.  Caffeine can cause you to lose water and become thirsty, and I don't recommend 100% unsweetened juice until it is determined that she isn't diabetic since natural fruit sugar is still sugar.   So, see if drinking things like water, caffeine free unsweetened or very lightly sweetened iced tea, water flavored with lemon, etc. gets rid of her thirst better than other drinks.

    I hope she's just thirsty because she has more blood pumping in her now!  Good luck!

  11. It sounds pretty normal but it could be a sign of early gestational diabetes.  If you're worried, I would bring it up to the doctor at your next visit.  

  12. Yes she will be thirsty. She needs to make blood for the baby as well as amniotic fluid for the baby to move around in. If she doesn't drink enough, she can get preterm contractions and make herself quite sick too. Best thing I found worked for me is icy cold water. I just drink that back like mad. I am sure a drink a gallon+ a day. I also pee like a racehorse but I don't get contractions like I did with my other two pregnancies. Also is she taking her prenatal vitamins? If she is still thirsty after drinking 8 cups of water a day, she should go see her doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.

    I always say to my kids, if your pee doesn't look light like lemon juice, you need to drink more. Good Luck!

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