
My girlfriend is 17and so am I but her mom told me today I can't see or talk to her anymore what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for a long time and i asked her to marry me but she was in a car wreck just the other day and today her mom came by and got her class ring from me and told me i cant see or talk to her anymore and if i try to contact her she will go to the police department and file a report against me but my girlfriend means more to me than anything in the world what should i do?




  1. why, i have never heard of such bullshit!

  2. why in the world is this mother doing this?  Your girlfriend if she is able needs to step up and put mom in her place.  At 17 she is def old enough to make up her own deciscion about this whole thing...I would hold off on the marraige thing but to say she cant see you?  You need to call your g/f and let her know what the mom said...If your g/f goes along with her moms decision ....then she made her choice..and you move'll be fine!

  3. I think you and your parents should talk to her mom about it to understand her point of view. Hopefully you can come to a compromise.

    And don't say anything about marriage to her mom cause it probly scars her to have her daughter getting attached at a young age.

    Even if you end up not being able to see her you will be 18 soon and then her mom doesn't have control.

  4. Simple: Wait for your girlfriend, if you mean as much to her, as she means to you, then just wait it out, `patience is bitter, but it bears sweet fruit` as i say.

    Dont rush, respect her mother, as if you do decide to marry her she will be your mother-in-law, so just `nod` and respect her decision for the time being, dont push, push push as it will just create a disruption and also another quote: `if you squeeze a lemon to hard, it becomes bitter`,

    So wait it out, trust me on this one :)

  5. I really don't understand why she doesn't want you around her daughter.  Were you involved in the accident somehow?  Did you guys fight and then she went away angry and crashed or something?  I think that if she means that much to you than you can wait until you and her are both 18 and then pick it up where you left off, and maybe try to see her once in a while in private.  I think with more information, people could give you a better answer.  

  6. People could get married on 17? It may be true that you do love your girlfriend very much but don't you think its a bit too early to get marry? Is not that i do not agree on it. However about your girlfriend, how come she got into an accident? I hope its not you who cause it. Anyway, as some had said, it is better to wait a bit and you really have to contact you girlfriend's mother to ask out why couldn't you be with you girlfriend. You  shouldn't contact your girlfriend for now or it might made everything goes worst. Instead you should contact also your girlfriend's friends to check out how's she is doing and also how she feels to you. Things such as this shouldn't be too hasty which it only make things go even more worst than it is now.

    I really hope everything will go well for you. Good luck and be strong^^

  7. Don't try to contact your girlfriend. Instead, try to get in contact with the mom and ask her what exactly is the problem with you seeing her daughter, since she didn't actually give you a reason. If there's a way, you should let her mom know how you really feel about your girlfriend. And when you talk to her, speak clearly and give reasons. Don't yell or anything.

    Good luck.  

  8. ask y

  9. why would you propose to her when shes only 17? How old are you? If you caused the accident and it was your fault her mom is being protective over her and she would call the cops on you.

  10. Don't contact her,wait until she contacts you,no is worth getting yourself into trouble.

  11. you do NOTHING, and continue with your life.

  12. Don't let her mom decide for you two tell her "We are both mature here would you like to sit down and talk about why i can't see her anymore?" And if she doesn't that's not fair so just see her anyway!

  13. if she means that much to you, ignore her mother's threat and contact her. Besides she can't call the police, you've done nothing wrong.  

  14. you dont have any choice. you have to listen to her mother.

    additionally, you may want to talk this out with somebody as being 17 years old and you asked another child to marry you.  

  15. first, what caused the accident and why doesn't her mom want you to see her???

  16. Wait it out and see what happens.  Just let her mom know that proposing was just a freak out thing because of her accident (even if it wasn't) and you just want to make sure that she is OK.  Things will work out unless her mom really hated you all along.

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