
My girlfriend is 33 weeks pregnant. i'm getting quite nervous! 19 years old.?

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hey everyone. well, my girlfriend and I are both 19 and college students..this was unexpected but no child is a mistake and we're going to raise HIM to be the best man he can be!

but i dont know, i'm starting to get a bit nervous about it all. my girlfriend is becoming more and more "hormonal" i guess and i'm trying to balance working as well as preparing to go to school (pre-med) and now a baby. it's just becoming overwhelming!

any advice?




  1. Congratulations. Be at peace and be a continual support to her. Remember she's a first time mom and u are a first time dad  so it's quite alright to become overwhelmed becuz alot of emotions are invovled.Don't get flustered this leads to frustration.Whatever affects the mother affects the child,so u being at peace will bring peace to mommy and baby.So i declare that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be with u and both mommy and baby during pregnacy & parenting.Amen.Philippians chapter 4: verse 7

  2. Its hard to raise a child go to work and go to school... be patient and show them both love. She is just as stressed as you if not a lil more. Be patient and understanding. Congrats!

  3. stay calm. I stay calm in tense situations by thinking that this will all get easier someday and to be patient until it does. may sound lame but it works for me all the time. great stress relief

  4. id say that when your girlfriend is ranting or freaking out, just be calm and understanding and she'll feel better about the whole situation

  5. congrats on the baby, the best advice I can give you is to stick with your girlfriend and child for life. Get married right away! And raise a good family! !

  6. well if anyone on her gives you criticizem, ignore it. i think its great what your doing. and your 19, most kids are 16 these days.

    so advice..

    take it easy. i know its easier said than done. but its the best thing to do. the last thing you want to do it bring a baby into the world in a stressed enviorment.

    so just go with the flow. try not to fight with her, this will make things worse as hard as it is to do.

    congrats btw :) dont be nervous; be happy!  

  7. find a day for you two it does help out the both of you and do what you guys love to do. my husband and i juggle work school and three kids. he is 20 and i am is more nerve recking as they get older. as long as you try is all it takes good luck and congrats

  8. you messed up big time dude the chances of getting thru college now have drop by 50% for you and your girlfriend..the only choice you have now is if  your parents to bail you out by taking care of your baby as you try to make it thur a very hard way of completing college (parent) there going to hate you both for the mistake

  9. I am so proud of the both of you for stepping up to the plate to raise this child!  I think the next few weeks will be rough but just hang in there because it will all come together.  She will become more horomonal and maybe lash out at you because your the one that may be closest to her but don't take it personal...when that baby comes it will be the best moment of your life and you will look back and think it was all worth it...hang in there and just from the sound of things I know you will be a great father!

  10. just be the best bf you can be. and be supportive and happy i wish you both the best of luck :)  

  11. Everything will work out. Let her take a nap without having her feel guilty. It is extremely tiring at this time. She will start having pain in her hips and won't want to do much. rent her movies or get her books to read. Tell her your excited and she is beautiful. Right now she feels fat and unattractive even though she will say you don't mean it she will be flattered you told her. Get her to start drinking rasberry tea. It helps with the labor pains. No one told me this until baby number 4. It was the easiest and painless labor ever! When baby is born Help with the midnight feedings and be prepared for more emotional rollercoaster!!! Good Luck!!!

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