
My girlfriend is about a week late on her period and we only had s*x once that month?

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we only had s*x one time this month and i pulled out and wore a condom so its not that shes pregnant but she is about a week late now and she gets frequent headaches (she has a history of them) and she also said she feels nauseated some times so I'm not sure what the problem is. . . . . any suggestions???





  1. Just because you wore a condom and pulled out, does not mean that someone else did.  You might not be the daddy.

  2. The best advice you can get is to tell her to see a doctor. You can also get a pregnancy test.

  3. If the condom broke or slipped off, she could have gotten pregnant.

    It sounds a bit early for her to feel sick if she is pregnant, but you should buy a pregnancy test just in case.

  4. Give her another week. If she does't have it by then a test is good.  You both should be using protection. The pill is good IUD is good. Condoms work too.You both should be responsible...

  5. She sounds pregnant and just so you know, you can get pregnant from only having s*x once, it only takes 1 time

  6. honestly that sounds like pregnancy symptoms. has she been worried about being pregnant that you know of?> if she has then her mind may be playing tricks on her to make her feel like she is pregnant. get a pregnancy test to be sure.  

  7. It's quite possible that she could be pregnant.  A condom is about 80% effective at preventing pregnancy, and the pull out method has a very high failure rate.  At this point it would be too early for a pregnancy test to give a definitive answer.  The best time to test is at least two weeks after a missed period, and a blood test done by her doctor is the most accurate way of testing.  Other reasons for period abnormalities include stress, weight gain/loss, thyroid, hormonal imbalance, infection, illness, medications, polyp, cyst, amongst other reasons.  If the blood pregnancy test comes back negative, her doctor can do further testing to determine the exact cause.

  8. maybe there has been something that has been stressful for her. Stress can delay periods.

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