
My girlfriend is feeling ill could this be with her coming off her anti - depressants?

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Hi my girlfriend isn't feeling too well atm she's complaining of headaches, feeling sick and vbeing ery lethargic to the point she can't be bothered to move and also isn't very talkative and always seems down or in a mood. About two months ago she was diagnosed with severe depression and put on strong anti-depressants, she has now stopped taking them on her own accord, not the doctors. Could this be the reason for her feeling so ill and down?




  1. yes, she should get back on the anti-depressants because if she does not fallow the treatment she won`t get healthy  

  2. Absolutely. Why did she stop on her own? I think when you go off anti depressants you don't just stop all together, I think you do it gradually. Sounds like she's having physical and psychological side effects. Doesn't sound like she's funcitoning well without her meds.She should talk to her physician and decide with him what her best option is.  

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