
My girlfriend is in college and is hanging out with other guys?

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im a sphmore in highschool and my girlfriend is a freshman in college and she has only been there one day and she is already going to guy's apartments and guys are coming to her dorm




  1. so actually you are afraid of older guys taking your GF.......I know.....but you will be fine.

  2. get used to it, after mid terms youll be an afterthought.

    no time for hs nonsense when youre in college.

  3. she's allowed to have friends who are guys dude

    chill out.

  4. Awww sucks to be you buddy. This is why you shouldn't date people more than a year in age difference because they will meet better people. She's ahead of you in life and this is going to make it really hard for you to keep her when she is at the next frat party doing keg stands and getting felt up. Next time try dating closer to your age range until you are at least in college and can keep your eye on your girl more closely.

  5. And the problem is? She's allowed to have male friends, just because they hang out doesn't mean she's cheating on you.  

  6. Hmmmmm, WHAT  is a College Freshman Girl doing, dating a Sophomore GUY in High School?

    I think she may be looking for Mature/Greener Pastures.

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