
My girlfriend is pregnant and she doesnt eat much,wil that have negetive effects on the child?

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My girlfriend is pregnant and she doesnt eat much,wil that have negetive effects on the child?




  1. Maybe she doesn't have an appetite. I didn't have one either around 4-5 months!

  2. fair enough if she doesnt want to eat as some women when there pregnant do have morning sickness or they just dont feel hungry.

    i would advise your girlfriend though to start a pregnancy viatamin though. depending where you are, if in australia i would go for blackmores pregnancy and breastfeeding one.

    at least if she takes one of those u know that she is getting some nutirents and viatamins to your unborn child and to herself

  3. she needs to have a healthy balanced diet. you cant force feed her, she will eat when she is ready

    you just need to remind her though that she has to take care of another now not just herself...

    hope i helped.

  4. That depends. If she has no eating disorders or excessive concerns about her weight, it should be fine, as long as she is not ignoring her cravings or afraid of becoming "fat" while pregnant. Her body will tell her when it is hungry and needs energy. The whole of idea of "eating for two" can be very unhealthy, because if you think about it, she is not eating for another life-sized version of herself, but for a person who weighs less than 10 lbs.! Most of the time, women should gain at least 20 lbs during pregnancy to ensure they are not affecting the growth of the fetus; more than this is okay within certain limits, but less than 20 lbs of weight gain may be cause for concern. Concern over fitness during pregnancy (and some amount of weight control) can be a wonderful thing, but if your girlfriend is purposefully trying to stay slim while pregnant, both of you need to sit down and have a talk with a pediatrician or her OB/GYN about the issue.

  5. It is important to eat a healthy balanced diet when pregnant to ensure a healthy baby at the end of it all! If she is struggling with food then go and have a chat with the midwife who'll help you guys out. She may also recommend a pregnancy vitamin supplement.

    Maternal malnutrition can have negative effects on your baby, leading to low birth weight and the predisposition to gain weight easily when older. It's called the 'programming hypothesis' - have a mooch online. Encourage your girlfriend to eat healthily and speak to your midwife, don't just dismiss the issue because she needs the right amount of energy to make a healthy baby.

  6. alot of women go off food in the firat few months of pregnancy, her appitite should pick up soon, as long as she is taking pregnancy vitamins and drinking plenty of water she should be ok for a while..

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