
My girlfriend is pregnant...?

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i'm 16 y/o. almost 17. my girlfriend and i have been dating for 14 months. on our one year anniversary, after i took her out to dinner, she took me to a hotel, and we had s*x. she got pregnant.

three weeks after s*x she found out she was pregnant.

for these last few weeks, my girlfriend, her parents, me, and my parents have been talking about what to do with the baby.

me and my girlfriend want to keep it. we took the family education courses together, and we handled the mechanical baby really well. we think we can handle it.

my gf is now really stressed. a lot of her "friends" at school won't talk to her.

how can i help her through pregnancy? i don't want to be a lazy couch potato while she freaks about the watermelon about to come out of her.

and how can i be a good parent?

i'm also feeling weird about the whole thing, ya know, being a dad. what's it like?

i desperately need help. i want to be a good dad.




  1. Don't stress about it if your stressed she will sense it and be stressed even more. Just buy the stuff for the baby and give it all the love you can. Im sure you'll be a great father but it's not gonna be easy being your age and all. I'm 16 and I have a few cousins who became parents at very young ages but they had support from their parents and they are doing just fine.

  2. well my bf he is helping me through 'our' pregnancy by making very funning jokes and constantly rubbing my belly he is so very cute i love be a good parent learn to change diapers pick the name together!!! I hope well 'we helped (Ian isn't here yet)

    ~Greer and Ian

  3. Its going to be hard you just have to be there for her and not take offence if she yells at your for something stupid coz her hormones are way out of whack. Maybe you could try talking to her 'friends' and see if you can make them be nice to her again. Just be there for her. and read lots of parenting books and stuff like that. Tell her your fears about not helping and stuff and talk to her because i bet she has a lot of bottled up fears herself.

    As for being a good daddy i think you have that down, you seem to really care for both of them and that is 80% of parenting is caring. As long as you help out with the night time feeds and the changing and the bathing you'll be fine. Just remember that you will both be stressed when the baby comes so maybe once a month plan a surprise dinner for her just the two of you.


  4. Well, first might I say I'm very proud of you for staying with your girlfriend.

    And I think your whole attitude about the situation is great.

    I think even without the parenting courses and the mechanical baby, you'd be a great dad.

    I'm not a man, nor have never had chilrdren, but being a dad is a good feeling.

    How you can help your girlfriend through the pregnancy: Give her the foods that she wants when she wants and things like that.

    She's going to be a little sensitive so try to have as positive an attitude as you can.

    About her friends, that her thing to deal with.

    Just be there for her

  5. Well in my opinion.. Definitely keep the baby.. but thats just me.. i'm not a parent myself.. but i work at a daycare, earning a degree in childcare and nursing for pregnant women..and just been taking care of kids since i was 9. (just some background info for ya) and im not some old lady either! lol im 19!

    First of all, its high school..its tough and i'm sure she'll make new friends along the way. its the ones who stay with her who matter the most. Its going to be hard on her because she is the one pregnant at a young age.

    As for you, don't freak out. Help & support her. Thats really what she needs.. and she needs to know that you'll be there for her now and after the baby is born. And no matter how hard it would be, put up with the mood swings..she's going to be hormonal and she'll just want you to accept it. Also on her bad days you can give her foot/back massages, take her to dinner.. just pamper her.. make sure she stays healthy and on track and also make sure you take care of yourself too! dont get into all the mischief that happens in highschool. like drugs and alcohol..its not worth it..

    and being a dad is great once you look at you new child. you'll learn everything through your new experiences with the baby. your parents can definitely be a great help!

    if you need anymore advice ill definitely help you out.. just message me or something.. im good at this stuff!

  6. You have to be involved with the pregnancy and the baby, afterwards. Treat your GF with respect, help out any way you can and be part of the baby's life.

  7. Geez.. your life will change.

    It's absolutely crucial that you graduate high school and go to college if you can manage too though.

  8. parenthood comes pretty naturally..... as long as she and they baby know how much you love them you will be fine..... Your family and friends wil come around when they see how happy the 3 of you are together as a family...

    Good luck...

  9. be there for her!  be her best friend, esp at this time.  pregnancy should be a happy occasion, it should be celebrated.

    why don't you look for a part-time job?  even if you don't earn a lot, the money will still help.  that way, you are showing how responsible a dad you can be.

  10. First, I just want to congratulate you on staying with your girlfriend and keeping the child.  It is very noble.  At times it will be hard, but, just let her know you are there for her and that you always will be.  And be patient and put up with her most ridiculous requests.  She will appreciate it greatly even if sometimes it doesn't really seem like it. God bless you, your girlfriend, and your child!

  11. its so good you've decided to not freak out and stand by her, it shows you truly love her  a lot of guys would run a mile when they heard those words.

    if you want to be a good dad you will be. your life is going to be ,to say the least, very challenging and you obviously can't do what you've always wanted to do if you're going to support your own family.

    its going to be very difficult but i always hear a lot of people say it's all worth it in the end and when they have babies young they always say they never regret it and wouldn't have it any other way,

    i really do wish you the best of luck in the future. x

  12. It great you have owned up to your resposibility and that is the first step to being a great parent.  You have to realise you are not just having a baby you are having a child which you will both need to care and support for the next 18 years (at least).  Being a good parent is more than just loving your child it is about being able to provide them a safe; stable and comfortable life being able to provide for them financially (And children are very expensive especially the older they get). Caring for a toy is nothing like caring for a child and you have to realise what you want in life right now will probably change 10 times over by the time you reach 25yrs. You and your GF need to look at the whole picture not just the birth and the first year of this child life;  this is babsically a life altering event at your age and you will need the full support of both of your families if you decide to keep this child.

  13. Well, first you need to stop referring to your child as a watermelon as that shows you still have some maturing to do with regards to not only the relationship but the pregnancy.  It is great you want to support your gf but are your sure this is really something you both can handle?  Doing the family education class and handling the mechanical baby for a week is far different from being responsible for 24/7 for 21 years.  Please get some good counseling and do what is right for the child.  You do desperately need help.

  14. I think it is really really good that you want to be there for her and the baby.

    Supporting her and the baby is the best thing you can do.

    Encourage her lots cause obviously her friends aren't.

    Congratulations, already I think you will be a great dad.

  15. if you want to be a good dad, then, ask advices to elders, especially to those people who have sons/daughters...

    don't keep it to your family because they will be a great help for both of you..

    have some earnings (find a job) and make sure that you're taking care of your girlfriend (e.g. check-ups, pre-natal care)....

    being a dad is a risky role, so good luck!

    i don't want to happen to your girlfriend what had happened to me... i miscarried a 5 months baby at the age of 16 because I'm not ready, I did not inform it to anyone except to my boyfriend and I did not take care of myself...

  16. its normal to feel scared, its the first time in ur life where u realize ur a dad. go to the library and look into being a parent, it will be hard to take care of the baby, just make sure there is always a positve attitude around it, just think, babys are starting to get more smartter as this generation improves, its going to be ok, good luck.  please answer my question!!;...

  17. Console her about her friends. Thats probably the hardest part for her right now. She would only be in high school right? So tell her that nothing any of them say will matter in 3 years, and that by the time she graduates she will never have to speak with them again, and they can no longer judge her. Also just let her know that you are going to be there for her, and that she can squeeze ur hand as hard as she wants. At least she has someone that wont abandon her...i admire you both for keeping the baby though. What with the psychos in this world today its hard to imagine what people would do...

  18. you have already started to be a good dad by wanting to stand by her and help her through this time --- you need to be supportive and she will hate you at one point and time, but it's the hormones not you; be strong ... you can do it

    kudos to the both of you for being mature about your situation

  19. lol oh my goodness. you guys should have thought about this before doing stupid things. you are 16, you are still young. the best advice i could give you is.. stay in school, graduate! ^^ i know it's going to be so hard and complicated but you and her need to stay in school. about her friends ignoring her, there's nothing you, her or nynbody else can do i'm so sorry. goodluck!

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