
My girlfriend is sick and one of her symptoms is impared vision question for an opthamologist . . .?

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My girlfriend has been sick for about 2 weeks now and no one knows whats wrong. We have been to the doctor, the ER, a chiropractor, and optometrist and talked to a neurologist. Basically she started off getting migraines she took imitrex and it took an er visit with an iv to get her migraines to go away. These migraines caused her to have impaired vision and the ER doctor said that her vision would eventually come back. Its now a week later and she is still not seeing correctly. We went to to her eye doctor and her eye doctor said that the nerves behind her eyes are severely swollen and we need to see an ophthalmologist. We cant get her in until Thursday but we want results sooner so im hoping someone can give us some home remedies. She is vomiting she complains that the top of her head is numb and she is currently warding off more headaches with ibuprofen. Will someone who seriously KNOWS what might be wrong please give us a quick response?




  1. DEMAND that you need to be seen--that sounds very serious and it is unacceptable that you can't be seen for another couple of days. If they won't help you, then go to the ER!

  2. She cannot wait until Thursday ! She belongs in a hospital as in a patient. Go to the ER and insist. Also get her new doctors. This sounds serious ! Please do not delay.

  3. Call ophthalmologist's office tomorrow AM, tell them it is an emergency & she was told the nerves behind her eyes are swollen  & she needs to be seen tomorrow.

    Is there a change in her seeing colors, is her vision dimmed?  Then it could be optic neuritis & there are various reasons why it occurs.

    Otherwise, I would return to ER & say you want to see an attending ophthalmologist!!

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