
My girlfriend is studying abroad in Italy, Rome. Worry?

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My girlfriend is studying abroad in Italy for 2 months this summer. She has already been to italy before, and might get bored from all the sites she has already seen. She travels on the weekends and is going to be in Rome for a week. I am not too worried about her, more so I am worried about other italians hitting on her.. she is very s**y and we are in a LDR for these two months... Any opinions?




  1. Americans think they are the only civilised people on earth, unfortunately they are wrong.

    I've been two time in the US and never in the world (maybe just in Leeds) I've seen people so rude, poor-styled and uneducated like there.

    Well, maybe it could be my limited experience in your country that make me write in such a way, couldn't yours?

  2. don't worry about it. it sounds like you guys have a strong relationship. sure, italian men may be pushy, but most of them get the hint when you tell them NO. if she's really into you [it sounds like she is], she won't get caught up in the no-drinking age hype and hook up with random guys.

  3. Italian men are very agressive. Not sure how many of them know how to speak english though. If she loves you then you should be alright. It's sounds like a good test for you guys though.

  4. I am roman...I can say you that I have never seen any Italian that disturbed some girl tourist!

    is a legend!!!!!!

    of cours, if is you girlfriend that make the first step, is different, because we are polite but not omosexuals!

    but if she is fauthful, you can stop to worry!

  5. if she really likes you, then no worry.....

       if she wants to look around, then you are better off without her

  6. If she has  been there before and you didn't have any issues, why worry now -- unless the relationship has changed. But FYI, had a 19 year old granddaughter that spent six months in Spain, after travelling from London, to Amsterdam, to Paris, to Rome and eventually ending up in Cordova. She did not feel that the young European males were aggressive. And most had no problem speaking English.

    Have to been to Italy at least five times in the past ten years and have never found repeat visits to sites boring. Each time there is always something new that you find out about hat you missed the first time you heard about it or saw it.

  7. It depends.  If she's really good looking (or even just cute) Italians and other foreign guys living in Italy will hit on her.  This doesn't mean they will rape her or club her on the head and drag her off to bed though.   Remember, it takes two to if anything does happen it will also be her fault.   If you trust her, you shouldn't worry about her cheating on you.  Plus, do you really think she could only cheat on you in Italy??  You make it sound like Italians just can't wait to have s*x with foreign girls....but maybe you've never seen just how s**t.ty. some foreign girls are with Italian guys.   I seriously hope your girlfriend isn't one of these.  

    If you trust your girlfriend, you shouldn't have any worries.  

    I live in Italy


    I have posted this question some days ago, in order to try to understand why the world seems to conceive italians as "hungry", aggressive people trying to hit on every female breathing person they meet, but I still don't understand.... please realize that this stereotype is really old and needs to be updated.... pleeeeease believe that it' completely false....

  9. before she goes get in her paints

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