
My girlfriend is turned on by pictures of naked women but "does not want to do them"?

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I read an article the other day that said women are turned on by the sight of naked women but not naked men. I asked my girlfriend if she gets turned on by pictures of naked women and she said "yeah but not like I want to do them". What are your thoughts on this?




  1. Wow thats like a sick joke

  2. the female body is one of the Wonders of the World.

  3. Yes I am pretty much the same.I think it is as we have all been conditioned to sexualise the female body from a very young age, not the males. A man's body is really not objectified to the same exent

  4. She most likely has bisexual tendencies, but just because she doesn't want to do a chick doesn't mean she doesn't have bisexual tendencies. Her arousal towards womens bodies at least indicates she finds women sexually attractive and is sexually attracted to women, because if she wasn't she would not be turned on by women. I mean g*y men and many straight women I know find women pretty or beautiful,  but that is just in admiration and recognition of good looks, but nothing sexual. There is definitely a difference between finding someone objectively attractive and finding somone sexually attractive or sexually appealing.

    She apparently has to find women more than just simply good looking, but also good looking in the sexual extent to be turned on, which would indicate bisexual attractions. The reason she doesn't want to have s*x or says she wouldn't would most likely be because of the mental aspect or her just not wanting to go their, but I doubt she would be against having s*x and would probably enjoyed it if she tried it since she visually finds women's bodies arousing or definitely would not be repulsed from women's bodies as in doing anything sexual to their bodies.  

  5. Yeah my xwife owns p**n and we would go out at the weekends to find pretty girls to corrupt, just go with it. Who cares if she swings? I think she is lieing to you or she is in denial herself.

  6. I think maybe she's saying she doesn't want to actually have s*x with them, but she obviously has a sexual attraction to girls.

  7. giver her 3 glasses of wine, put her in a room with a lovely looking woman wearing nothing but heels and a smile.......and me thinks that your girl would be all over her like ketchup on a burger. i would put money on this, that is how sure i am.

  8. because neither s*x will get turn on over a naked man pic

    xcept g**s

  9. I know it sounds weird but I have to agree.

  10. shes bisexual

  11. A woman's body is very sensual and women can view them in that way, It doesn't mean all women are bi so give up on the threesome.

  12. You have asked this same questions for days on end.  We keep telling you to give us the site for the article. Since you won't, we figure its just your obsessive fantasy.  

    I am not turned on by naked women- in fact I prefer not to look at them.      

  13. As a woman who has many relationships with other women before I was married, I can say with confidence... she likes the ladies. Her up bringing or other outside influences maybe hindering her from fully expressing herself, but if she ever finds the courage to get over it, she'll have a girlfriend faster than you can spit!! I have told my husband that just because we are married doesn't mean that my attraction to women has diminished, she probably feels the same way.

    And by the way I've known ALLOT of straight women who don't like the sight of a naked man. Sorry but male "junk" is just not that attractive. A naked woman is sleek and smooth and looks like a finished work of art. A dude kind of looks like the artist made a hanging, brownish purple mistake.

  14. That is very common. You can be physically attracted to someone of the same s*x, or anyone in general, but not have any desire to have s*x with them.

  15. Most women have bisexual arousal patterns. Unlike men, who are turned on by only men or only women.

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