
My girlfriend made the mistake in getting her parents involved in one of our arguments me and HER had and now

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they want her to break up with me, . I felt offended about something i got mad and left, we were at my house, and she called me and i didnt pick up, because i was mad so she got furious and called her parents to call me and try to scare me because i had her car keys .she called her parents crying and told them to call me, Well when i picked up after my girl calling me so many times she asked me where her keys were and i said they should be on top of my table, and they wernt,(so she says) i dont think she even cheked)., well i came home after 30 minutes and her dad had called me to tell me to give her keys back,and that it can get worst and than i got mad at her for making me look bad infront of her parents and i dont like be threathen and started kicking her out my place, so now we are fine and i had left because thats what i was told to do in my anger management classes. so now her parents dont like me. What can i do to make it work??? help! I love her and want us to work out I know they can't control our realtionship but i dont want to be in bad terms with her parents and i know i sound like i might have anger problems but im taking the classes to be better.




  1. Well you should just talk to your girlfriends parents and tell them the truth. That you didn't mean to cause anything, that you would never harm your girlfriend. After that if they still give you looks, or say things just ignore it, eventually they will get over it. As far as your gf tell her not to ever do that, getting parents involved is the worse thing a couple can do!!! I live with my in-laws and i hate it! So yeah good luck :)

  2. How old are you? Sounds like childish behavior to me. OMG...can  you imagine her parents STAYING involved FOREVER....omg....well, get used to it, it's only just begun. Start over with someone else dude, it's over. And no matter how hard you try it will always be over unless the two of you GROW UP

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