
My girlfriend makes me wear a Brett Farve mask during love making?

by  |  earlier

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Should this concern me? Because when we are done she make me turn the lights off and makes me sleep on the couch, is this normal.




  1. Seeing as that guy isn't a hockey player, I would be concerned about the mental stability of your girlfriend.

  2. Is your Girlfriend John Madden cause then that would explain alot.

  3. i'd have to say that's not normal. i don't make my boyfriend wear any type of masks? that's just a little werid. maybe she has some obsession with Brett Farve. i mean just because i like someone doesn't mean i'm going to make my boyfriend wear a mask of theirs... i like making love to my boyfriend... not to my boyfriend with a mask on. i also wouldn't make him sleep on the couch. i'd actually want to be near my boyfriend and feel him next to me. most girls like having the company and security of having their boyfriend next to them... i'm not really sure what to tell you.

    i think that maybe you should talk to her about this. and let her know that it's a little werid and that you don't really like it.

  4. Yes it is perfectly normal. But why are you asking this in the hockey section? Maybe if she made you wear a Sid mask that would be something.  

  5. I would be more concerned if she put a shopping bag over your head. The one near your eyes that is ..

  6. LOL

  7. get a new girlfriend, obviously she doesnt like your appearance and thats rude

  8. first off..he doesnt play hockey..secondly thats cool..return the favor..make her wear one of your favorite movie stars mask

  9. Maybe you should switch to a Sam Cassel mask that way she will be less disgusted with you.


  11. HA HA HA! Thats hilarious!

    It is a joke right?  

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