
My girlfriend says that she does not have the same feelings that she used to have for me. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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She broke up with me and does not want to talk about it because it hurts her and me. And that is all I want to do is talk about it. We had a great relationship and at one time did everything together and told each other everything. And for the past month it has been the opposite. I asked her if there is any chance for us to get back together and she said she does not know. She said she needs time and space. What do I do? Please help.




  1. This situation isn’t fair to you; your relationship lasted three years. You at least deserve some kind of explanation. Try telling her this. Unfortunately, the answer might be what she already told you, she no longer has the same feelings for you. Sometimes it is that simple.

    If she still refuses to talk about it the only thing you can do is wait. You are in an impossible situation. She has already made up her mind and doesn’t want to talk to you about it. Give her space and time and see what happens. It sucks, but you don’t have many options.

  2. give her the time she needs

    this will help your situation if you want her back and sets the stage for a series of methods and magic tricks to getting her back

  3. accept it.  you can NOT make someone feel differently than they do

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