
My girlfriend told me her dotor suggested taking green tea dietary pill beause she has b12 deficiency.?

by  |  earlier

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i have a feeling she is lieing cuz no doctor would suggest taking dietary pills. but could this be true...she is very light




  1. Nope.  She's just self medicating.  The doctor would have run additional testing. She would have either been given a prescription or injections as a B12 deficiency is quite serious.

  2. Well the B12 deficiency is related to Pernicious Anemia - google that to get more info.

    This red blood cell related problem is where the B12 intrinsic factor cannot be properly absorbed in the intestines.

    Is she feeling tired all the time?

    Protein, protein, protein - fish is a good source.

    As far as dietar pillls go? Not too sure. I would recommend calling a pharamacist for more information on the dietary pills - they are your best source for information. If it is herbal and not approved by the FDA they may not have an answer. Becareful and ALWAYS ask your doctor or nurse if you have ANY questions.

    Good Luck.

    This is very common.

  3. Yeah, that is sort of weird because tea inhibits iron and B12 enhances iron use. In addition, a doctor would likely suggest B12 supplements if not outright give B12 shots if he knew the levels were low.  I'd agree with your gut on this one.

  4. B-12 ONLY comes from animal sources, it does NOT come from plant-based sources such as green tea.

    Either your girlfriend is lying or her doctor doesn't know beans about nutrition (I'm in the 'she's lying" group).

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