
My girlfriend told me if i didnt shave, then no fun, what is the best way to shave?

by  |  earlier

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Im in a tight situation. I hvae tried shaving twice and both have been succesfully painful. What is the best way to shavemy p***s? If womebody could tell me or refer me to a site that has been succesful for them it would be very appretiated. =]




  1. well i  use electric razor but it will take like forever;...

  2. tell her to shave too.

  3. go to a unisex salon and get it waxed or alternatively get a less selfish girlfriend

  4. your gf is being a jerk. just keep it trim. with a trimmer, you can keep it very very short, but shaving is rediculous, it will cause extreme irritation, even infection ,and not to mention bother you really badly.

    just trim it, and tell her that it really hurts you if you shave, if she cares, she will consider your feelings.

  5. You can buy NAIR for men at your local drug store, its a cream that you can put on your private parts for about 12 minutes and then you hair will fall off without the need for a razor. Although I would suggest that you just trim!!!

  6. what were you using to shave, a jagged coke bottle?

    shaving your p***s should not hurt. Use a standard double blade razor and shaving cream. I recommend King of Shaves, you can find it in most drug & grocery stores and Kmart.  

  7. start off with a fresh razor.  one that you haven't used before.  take a warm bath.  make sure the water isn't too deep.  add some bath oil (very little.  and just soak.  soak for about 20 minutes you need to get the hair soft.  then use lotes of shave cream and start shaving....

    plus it makes you erection look HUGE!!!

    or just buy a beard trimmer and manscape.    

  8. I would pick no fun because your girlfriend is selfish . I mean, really, who wants her boyfriend to shave his p3n1s just so she could have s*x with him? O.o

  9. my b/f shaves and it's nice! trick is don't shave if you are cold that causes a rash. also shave in the direction of the hair growth not away.

  10. change your girl friend it strikes me in this case the dog is wagging the tail put your foot down and say no or it's over


  12. any way would be painful id guess! shes being a bit out of order men are suppose to be hairy!

  13. hair removal cream!!!! nice and smooth like my ***!

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