
My girlfriend wants to take Phentermine to loose weight but is in recovery for meth abuse?

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Is that a smart idea? I dont think so but she is arguing with me so please help me to show her.




  1. It has nothing to do with smart. Addiction is smarter than all of us. And it is patient. If she has decided to do it she might do it reguardless of your opinion. Arguing is pointless. Meth Phentermine dexedrine adderall etc etc. It's all speed ... Everyone is different but I would not consider it safe. I would tell her you disagree, then suggest an NA or AA meeting. Good luck

  2. I take that. It's not addictive. The only thing it does is cut down on your urge to eat.

    I used to be addicted to eating. Now I'm not. It's also an ADD drug.

    She should be fine but needs to talk to her doctor with YOU there to state your concerns.

  3. If you girlfriend has been on meth, I can't imagine another drug will be helping much. I also doubt that she is fat in the first place considering that meth deteriorates all your muscle mass.

  4. She is just wanting to substitute one drug for another. Not a good idea! Just another way of getting high, in a sense.

    Using drugs to keep yourself thin is just another addiction. Put in the work and effort and it will make it far more worthwhile.

    You should have her talk to her sponsor about such a detrimental idea. If she wont' listen to them, talk to her parents. Get as many people as you can to back you up. You are right and she is more than wrong.  

  5. Tell her to use diet and exercise instead.  I read a little on the Phentermine website and it's similar to an amphetamine.  There's no way that these pills could produce an effect similar to methamphetamine, you probably might feel a little amped though.  I imagine that it wouldn't be any more intense than some starbucks, well probably less than starbucks but equal or less than regular coffee.  

    I read some unbiased buyer reviews at this link:

    It doesn't sound like it has any strong physical effects from the sounds of their statements but with an addict, small triggers can start old thoughts wandering.  It depends on the person, sure some would definitely relapse because of something as small as that.  Others wouldn't be affected at all in their desire to use meth or not, so it all depends.  There's no sure fire answer to this question, all you can do is make a judgement by considering her fragility in her own recovery.  If she seems really volatile, then maybe not a good idea.  

    Unless I knew that this girl could be the one, I would just let her take them and if she fu*ks up because of something that small, then at least you know her limits and can decide if it's something that you even want to deal with (her that is).    

  6. deffinately not, it will more than likely relapse,, show her [faces of meth] on the net

  7. Phentermine may be habit-forming

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