
My girlfriend (who is insured under her parents) wants to borrow my car for a couple weeks....?

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She is insured under her parents' policy and I have my own policy. whats the worst that could happen (insurance & money-wise) if i decide to let her borrow my car for a couple weeks?




  1. cars are insured not the people who drive them.  So if she is insured by her parents it has no bearing in this case.  If she has an accident with your car, your insurance company may or may not handle the claim since you didn't tell them she was driving your car.  If you do tell them you want to add a driver to your car, they will probably raise your rates for that period...

  2. Depends on the provisions of the policies.  Most have exclusions for cars "available for regular use".  What constitutes regular use may or may not also be defined in the policy.  Why take a chance?  Tell your agent what's contemplated and ask if there will be a problem.

  3. >>  whats the worst that could happen (insurance & money-wise)

    The worst is that she totals your car, your rates goes up, you fight over it, you break up, and you are stuck with higher insurance rate - and she don't care because you broke up.


    By the way, this kind of "girl friend" car problems happens all the time.  Just stay here and read the posts.

    Neither a lender or borrower be.

    Good Luck...

  4. Nothing. You are covered by two forms of insurance if she gets into an accident, your insurance will kick in first and if there are limits then her parents will be secondary. Unless you call your Ins Company and tell them you have an unlisted driver driving your car for the next 2 weeks.. nothing will happen money wise. There is no reason to tell your insurance co your GF is driving the car. If she has an accident your permission for her to drive is good enough alone.

  5. if she does not live with you she would be covered under your policy, not her parents to drive your car.  if she does live with you she needs to be added as a driver to your policy as she would have regular access to your car.  the worst that could happen?  she totals your car, your insurance pays out and your rates go up.  if she had an accident that caused damage above your limits, her parents policy would be looked at for the excess.

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