
My girlfriends tummy?

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I have a girlfriend named Cassy. I've been with her for almost a year now. We are both 17. She (Cassy) recently shared with me that she loves it when I rub her belly during s*x, and that it she can't really get off without me doing that to her. It was a big secret of hers and it took her a long time to tell me because its not....well very common I guess. I understand. Anyway, I told a close buddy of mine. He freaked and said it was "weird, sick, screwed up, and I should dump her." I'm not going to share this with anyone eles, but I thought I'd ask Yahoo! Is this really that weird guys? I think kinda of sweet, but the way my buddy reacted....maybe it IS weird. What do you guys think? Just wondering...




  1. It might not be normal, but everybody has those little odd things they like. It's certainly not that weird, definately nothing to dump her over, and it is sweet. Just respect the guts that it took her to tell you her little quirk. Good luck!

  2. what i think is ur buddy is imature it might be unnatural but it is normal

  3. HA! If that's her kinkiest quality...DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT :)

    Sure that's not usual, but it's not weird. Different strokes for different folks (literally.) If you "think it's sweet" and she likes it, who cares what your friend thinks.

    In fact, don't tell your friends stuff like that. This guy sounds like the type who would tell people, give her a weird nickname, and get you in trouble.

  4. I don't see anything weird about it. It's just a preference for her. Maybe he's not getting any and that's why it's so weird to him?!!

  5. it's not at all weird. i dont know why your mate acted this way but after all you guys are only 17 so maybe he's just too inexperienced and immature to understand something the way you do. dont let anyolne influence your decisions or how you feel. from the first moment she told you you had no problem with it and you said you thought it was cute! so why should you let some inexperienced little boy change you views. doesnt make sense. most woman and men have little spots that "get them off" i do but im not going to discuss that on here and especially not with a 17year old but it's definately not weird!


    Not weird AT ALL.

    All girls,well most of them have a turn-on spot,

    theres nothing wrong with that.

    Everyone has their different spot and your girlfriends spot just happens to be the tummy,

    that fine :)

    What your freind told you is actually really stupid.

    Dont listen to him hes very immature if thats what he thinks !

  7. I know your question was sort of pointed towards males but as a female I don't think it's weird. Everyone's a little different in what gets them off. I agree with you, I think it's kinda sweet.

    I definitely think you should ignore your friends advice about dumping her because he isn't the one that likes her. Who knows he might have a girlfriend that can't get off unless he scratches the bottom of her foot or something like that.

    I say to each her own. lol. hope it helped.

  8. i don't think it's that weird. i'm a girl by the way but i think everyone has a "turn on spot" in which when it's touched, they immediately feel sexually aroused. (such as b*****s) so a tummy isn't that bad. better than knees or something. your friend was being immature

  9. this is not wierd! everyone has different erogenous zones. her stomach is one of hers. thats it.

  10. if you dump her over that, that just shows the only thing important in your relationship is your s*x life...and where she enjoys being touched.

    maybe you should look at just the person she is and love her for that.

    and if she likes her belly rubbed...and it makes her happy, then do it for her because you love her.

  11. I think what goes on between you and your girlfriend should stay between the two of you.  As long as neither of you object, it's nobody else's place to say.  For that matter, it's not your place to tell anyone else either.  A gentleman does not discuss bedroom matters with anyone, close buddy or not.  You would not appreciate her discussing your endowments with her girlfriends, don't discuss her with your buddies either.   For the record, intercourse is a matter of sharing pleasant physical contact and yes- it can involve stroking of a stomach if she and you enjoy that.  It's not all centered on the crotch, despite what your "buddy" may think or say.  So quite taking polls, and quit discussing personal matters with other folks.  Be the gentleman.

  12. dont worry about it ur only 17

    and thats normal !!!

  13. What I really think is your buddy is immature. What your girlfriend likes is between you and her. There's nothing wrong with her, everybody has their turn-ons.

  14. If she enjoys it and you don't mind doing that for her, then I don't see the problem.  It's not like she's asking you to do something unnatural.

  15. ok a tummy is not bad think about some people that get turned on by sucking on dirty little toes! ok now that to me is strange, not a tummy!  be thankful she isnt telling u too put hot sauce on her toes and suck it off!
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