
My girls go to a small town school, & are getting hurt in p.e. The coach tells them to quit bein babies What d

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Is he a bully? The coach @ my girls school treats his p.e. classes like they're football players! When my girls or other kids get hurt he tells them suck it up & quit bein babies! My 13 yr. old has had her ankle sprained & 2 wks. ago she had her wrist broke. My 11 yr. old he made her & another girl run asphalt track 1 mile barefoot, they both have huge blisters on their feet & can't walk!




  1. Write down everything that's happened and give it to the principal and tell him you want this stopped immediately, and that you will be sending HIM the bill for any future doctor visits.

    And state the next time this happens you will be going to the superintendent and filing complaints wiht the state dept of education.

    Take them out of that class!

  2. Sounds like you need to speak to their head of department or, if this doesn't work, try having a word with the principal. This teacher does sound like a bully, and he needs to be made aware of the fact that this behaviour is unacceptable.

  3. go to the princpal and demand the p.e. coach fired.if that doesn't work.sue the coach and the school

  4. This sounds like a serious problem.  At larger schools it would not be tolerated.  Small schools and small towns are difficult in these situations because they have a tendency to just want to cover there own asses.  So I would address this with the athletic director and the superintendent.  If this does not get you a desired result (which in my experience it will not do anything to help at all), contact your states education board.  They should be able to point you in the right direction.  Sometimes kids do need to get tough, but this "coach" sounds like a liability.  You may even wish to contact an attorney.  The school scould be responsible for your daughters medical bills.

  5. report him to the school board, why does this school let this person teach at all.

  6. Report him. Make sure they get a new coach and if the school doesnt get one, either transfer them or homeschool.

  7. I would definetly report the teacher NOT only to the principal but, to the school board... Take the medical slips from you doctor verifying that your children were hurt.. Take pictures of blisters and document any kind of conversation you have about your girls and PE class.  That is unacceptable.  I would also talk to the parents of other children that go to school and see if they have the same goings on...If you have a PTA maybe address it there!  

    Good luck

  8. I would definitley report it. You children are old enough they can write out everything that is being said and done and turn it in as their side of the story. Also I would take pictures of your daughters feet and turn that in as well. I would first request a principal, PE coach, and parent conference and find out what is going on. Then from there I would ask that the matter be taken up with the school board and explain that obviously this coach, needs to be on a football field, and not teaching youngsters pe classes. Then if that doesn't help I'd take it public by going to court against the school. Be sure to keep the papers and photo documentation.

  9. go and speak to the principal of the school

  10. That's not right. Let the principal know.

  11. Gosh, I could swear you are from a small town in Minnesota. The same type of PE teacher in that school. He is a bully but only to younger kids. Report him and keep reporting him. Tell the other parents to report incidents too. The schools are supposed to be safe learning environments for all. Teachers like this have no place in a school. Let them manage a cell block of prisioners and see how smart they think they are. Good luck to you and your kids!

  12. This needs to addressed immeditately!!!  Speak to the principal and if that doesn't get results, go to the board of ed., and speak to the supertendent.

  13. You need to report that teacher to the school board. Obviously the principal isn't doing anything since he was the one that hired the horrible man! You need to do this immediately because what he is doing is NOT okay at all under no circumstance!!!

  14. take pictures, get report from doctor for evidence, show all this to the principal, if she/he doesn't help you, go to the school district.. if still nothing, sue him..

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